Make me buy a lens....
Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 3:48 pm
Mr UPS arrived today and brought me a new baby D300... This is my first Nikon so I have, as I am want to do, jumped into the middle of the Ocean with no lifeboat in sight! The battery is charging and the camera sits on my desk wearing Craig's 50 1.4.
I had ordered a 17-35 but Poon cannot get them at the moment. I had picked that lens because I don't really want to have any DX lenses as I would like FF in 18-24 months, I don't like the sound of the hyperfocal behaviour on the 17-55, and the 14-24 doesn't take filters. So while not super wide, it covers me for most of my landscape work, and will be pretty wide when FF comes along (for me). Add a 50 prime and I won't miss the long end. It will get partnered with a 70-200 later.
So, they appear to be available in two places, DigitalRev via ebay for similar money but with the risk of so many bad reviews, or ECS in Sydney for about $800 bucks more and the guarantee of service, or at least the availability of a shop front. I haven't actually called them to check the availability though, just noted they have it listed on the web.
What is a guy to do? Are DR a big risk? I seem to hear only good things about ECS? Do you think my choice is a bad one, given this is a mainly landscape, cityscape, group shots and full body portrait lens?
I really hate making the decisions that involve spending this much money, I so rarely have it!
I had ordered a 17-35 but Poon cannot get them at the moment. I had picked that lens because I don't really want to have any DX lenses as I would like FF in 18-24 months, I don't like the sound of the hyperfocal behaviour on the 17-55, and the 14-24 doesn't take filters. So while not super wide, it covers me for most of my landscape work, and will be pretty wide when FF comes along (for me). Add a 50 prime and I won't miss the long end. It will get partnered with a 70-200 later.
So, they appear to be available in two places, DigitalRev via ebay for similar money but with the risk of so many bad reviews, or ECS in Sydney for about $800 bucks more and the guarantee of service, or at least the availability of a shop front. I haven't actually called them to check the availability though, just noted they have it listed on the web.
What is a guy to do? Are DR a big risk? I seem to hear only good things about ECS? Do you think my choice is a bad one, given this is a mainly landscape, cityscape, group shots and full body portrait lens?
I really hate making the decisions that involve spending this much money, I so rarely have it!