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Please help me decide (Upgrade or flash unit)

PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 10:47 pm
by mikeyfocus
Hey fellas! First post in here woohoo!
Alright, I am sure there are a million other D90 threads already, but I still can't decide whether I should upgrade from my D60 to a D90.

I love the video mode, but let's ignore that for now (to me it's just a novelty feature which I won't use as much).

I am aware that it is a much better camera than the D60, but I am quite happy with it at the moment. The only thing I am looking for in an upgrade, is the high ISO capability. Apparently at 1600 the D90 is pretty good. I've looked at the photos, but I just can't decide whether there is THAT much difference between the d60@1600 and d90@1600

I am still a very amateur photographer, but I do like the extra features on the D90 and I can see myself using them. However.. I've been wanting to experiment with flash units. Thinking of getting the SB600 or SB800. I only have a limited amount of money, so I don't know which is a wiser investment, a flash unit or the D90.

I have just enough money for the D90 if I sell my D60 but I wont have anymore money for a flash unit. I can afford an SB800/600 right now but then I'd have to wait longer to get a D90.

Any word of advice from you experts?

Re: Please help me decide (Upgrade or flash unit)

PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 10:51 pm
by PiroStitch
get a flash unit and learn how to use that and your camera. Once you hit the limits with the d60, then look at the d90 or faster glass. Lenses will always outlast the body and won't be outdated as quickly as a body. :) Build up the lense collection and your lighting and keep shooting. There are photographers who pull out fantastic photos using entry level bodies.

Re: Please help me decide (Upgrade or flash unit)

PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 11:19 pm
by aim54x
:agree: The D60 will let you learn a lot about the fundamentals of SLR photography. It is too soon for you to upgrade, so put your money into a flash (I vote SB-800, the extra wireless commander features will pay for the difference as you experiment more with flash).

Re: Please help me decide (Upgrade or flash unit)

PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 11:37 pm
by mikeyfocus
Thanks fellas. I am also thinking of getting that new Nikon 50mm AF-S 1.4D, Haven't looked into it too much though.

Unforunately there's no commander mode on the D60. So I would have to fork out another hundred or so for a wireless system.

Where should I get the SB-800? I saw on the FAQ about HKSupplies and they give special offers for dslru users? ahh wish I had been here sooner.
Still not a bad deal though.. the cheapest I could find so far. US$389. I wonder if I should wait until the Aus dollar picks up again before buying it.

Re: Please help me decide (Upgrade or flash unit)

PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 3:38 am
by Pa
a few image posts and 30 to 50 post makes you a member an access to the bargin section....

Re: Please help me decide (Upgrade or flash unit)

PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 9:20 am
by aim54x
DD in North Sydney currently lists the SB-800 for $539 (the dollar doing the damage - I picked mine up back in March for $450). On the topic of the AFS 50mm f/1.4 I would say go for it *takes cover* it appears to be quite a good lens and it will AF on your camera.

Re: Please help me decide (Upgrade or flash unit)

PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 9:34 am
by PiroStitch
you can put the sb-800 in su-4 mode which will trigger whenever it detects a flash. Use the onboard pop up flash to trigger it. The onboard flash will add to the exposure, but you can dial it down to -3 to minimise the output. If you're desperate, there's always the option of cupping the onboard flash with your hand to trigger the sb800.

Re: Please help me decide (Upgrade or flash unit)

PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 10:20 am
Rather than the 50 1.4 why not grab the Sigma 30 1.4. Its available right now .I vote for a flash also...


Re: Please help me decide (Upgrade or flash unit)

PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 12:42 pm
by barry
I agree with PiroStitch, get the flash and use the D60. There will be occassion where you will still need the flash with a D90.

Re: Please help me decide (Upgrade or flash unit)

PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 12:45 pm
by gstark
PiroStitch wrote:Use the onboard pop up flash to trigger it. The onboard flash will add to the exposure, but you can dial it down to -3 to minimise the output.

You can switch it to 1/32 or 1/64 power too, most likely. That will not be likely to be contributing to your exposure.

Re: Please help me decide (Upgrade or flash unit)

PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 2:57 pm
by who
I'd say stick with the D60 - it is after all a fairly new body, so high ISO is better than older bodies.

Go for the speedlight. I'd suggest looking here

They have the SB-900 for $615. or SB600 $395.

Note that the SB-800 has been discontinued, so once stock goes from those who have it - no more. - source

Re: Please help me decide (Upgrade or flash unit)

PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 3:15 pm
by aim54x
who wrote:Note that the SB-800 has been discontinued, so once stock goes from those who have it - no more. - source

That was news to me, but then again Mr Hogan has proven to be VERY reliable when it comes to things like this. Does this mean that by the time I have money for more SB-800's i'll be buying SB-900's? (the SB-900 will take up even more room in my rather cramped backpack)

Re: Please help me decide (Upgrade or flash unit)

PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 3:19 pm
by who wrote:SB-800 Sayonara
Oct 7--NikonUSA have officially discontinued the SB-800 and cancelled all dealer backorders. This basically confirms the rumor when Best Buy decided to liquidate their inventory.

Well that is USA, but I'd assume Japan isn't making SB-800's for them to sell? The SB-800 is still up on both the US and AU Nikon sites.

So yes I would say you will either have SB900's, SB600's or 2nd hand SB800's in your bag. Or other flash/lighting gear. 8)

Re: Please help me decide (Upgrade or flash unit)

PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 3:41 pm
by aim54x
who wrote: wrote:SB-800 Sayonara
Oct 7--NikonUSA have officially discontinued the SB-800 and cancelled all dealer backorders. This basically confirms the rumor when Best Buy decided to liquidate their inventory.

Well that is USA, but I'd assume Japan isn't making SB-800's for them to sell? The SB-800 is still up on both the US and AU Nikon sites.

So yes I would say you will either have SB900's, SB600's or 2nd hand SB800's in your bag. Or other flash/lighting gear. 8)

I checked when you mentioned it, and the Nikon websites. It will have to be SB-900's or 2nd hand SB-800's I WONT buy any more SB-600's they are just not as nice to use. I would love to get rid of my SB-600 and get 2-3 more SB-800's or SB-900's but for the cost I may as well get a Qihe or Golden Eagle kit lighting. I dont think I would need more than two speedlights in my kit bag (although 3 would be nice for macro work sometimes - but that is what commander mode is for!).