One thing to watch when using the flash off camera, but on a cord, you need to worry about a couple of extra things.
First off, watch the zoom setting. This is still controlled by the camera unless you tell it otherwise.
This means that if the flash -> subject distance is greater than camera->subject distance, the zoom on the flash may give you significant light falloff around the edges
Second, if you increase the distance, the flash has to work harder to illuminate the scene. You may inadvertently go beyond your flash's comfort zone
Third, you need to make sure the flash is pointing in the right direction. As your flash gets further away, this can get critical.
These are taken with D200 +SC29 (same as SC28 but with FocusAssist built in) + SB800. lens 52mm@f2.8 Aperture priority Flash on TTL no corrections.
FLash on camera. Subject about a metre away.
Flash off camera at same distance to subject as camera autozoom still enabled
Flash off camera about double camera distance Note light fall off & that this accentuated that I was quite pointing in the right direction.
If you stop down, the light requirement will go up, so second point will come more into play.
I probably should have done this but did a quick & dirty & left the camera on the settings it had.