mellissa wrote:Firstly, I am writing this in my wifes name after she read your comments on the new Sony A100 to me. After weeks of exhaustive research and reading hundreds of reviews, this site and its inhabitants are the only critics of this camera. And boy, are you lot ever critical.
Well yeah, we like our equipment.
If you spent x-hundred dollars on something, wouldn't you be?
I ordered her new A100 today because it is a great camera that is very well featured and quite user friendly. One could only consider that you lot are extremely narrow minded in regards to change.
Not really.
Having used almost every type of camera there is, I'd say a good lot of us love the fact that change is occuring.
In fact, I was a very big supporter of the Konica Minolta technology before Sony came along and bought the bastards out.
No wonder the great inventors of this world died thinking their ideas were useless only to have some "genius"re-invent them some years later when the thought police finally caught up with the future and agreed that they were, after all, great ideas to begin with.
And your relevance is what?
That Sony are great inventors of this world and we should all be respecting them from the get-go?
If you seriously believe something along those lines, you're delluding yourself, good sir.
I wait with baited breath and a hidden smile for the day when, indeed, you lot catch up with the future and agree that the sony A100 is a great camera or the future overtakes you all and you are left wondering "why"?
You might be waiting a fair while.
The Sony is little more than an uglified Konica Minolta with a new sensor and, that said, it now has one less reason for me to buy it: it bears a Sony badge on it.
You might not be aware of this but Sony don't make cameras... they make electronics, and half of the time, not even that.
Hell, the recent review of this camera and the only one to pop up as of recently suggests that while this might be a decent camera, it doesn't exactly hold a candle to anything Nikon and Canon put out and the glass quality is certainly a hell of a lot more problematic than those two companies.
It may well put up a fight against the Pentax and Olympus
models, but this camera is really made for people who sit themselves in the arena and go "Well I know the name Sony! They made my Playstation! I'll buy that!" which is fair enough.
Every product has to have a market.
But seeing as a good lot of us here are photographers, we also like to buy cameras from companies that actually make cameras... that make lenses... that have a level of support that stretches past a line that pretty much translates to "we really couldn't give a stuff about you; spend more money" as that's what Sony's service usually falls back on.
Why not look back at the
PSP dead pixel debacles for a reference point: if your
PSP has no less than 12 dead pixels, you can pretty much get stuffed. That's great, because if I have 11 and my screen looks like it's been shot with a microscopic rifle, I'm gonna be really happy. Go Sony! Or how about laptop batteries costing half the price of the laptop if you need a replacement, or even the ridiculous amounts of removable media technologies that the big S feels the need to create because it knows better than we do!
Seriously, if you want to claim that the Sony is a great camera, I have no problem with you doing so.
But if you want to come on here and get pissy at us for claiming that it won't be then remove yourself now.
I'm completely for anyone to come here and post pictures of how good their Sony is, to compare good points and bad points just like we'd do with any camera, but if you're going to come here and be an abusive advertisement then just remove yourself here and now.