Cropping Question

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Cropping Question

Postby Jeff on Wed Jul 27, 2005 1:58 pm

This probably a silly question,but if you crop to get rid of unwanted details and result is a square shaped shot,and then print it to 5x7 is the result a stretched version.I hope this makes sense to you.
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Postby gstark on Wed Jul 27, 2005 2:27 pm


Not a silly question at all.

It depends upon how you print it, and a stretched image may well be one outcome.

But I would expect that, having cropped it to, say, a square format, one would be more likely to print it square within the larger rectangle, and then run a trimmer around the print to make the supporting paper also square.
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Postby Antsl on Wed Jul 27, 2005 4:37 pm

This is when you take the opportunity to turn the image into a postcard!

What to do.....

- Open a new file in PhotoShop and make it 5 x 7 at 300DPI.
- Drag in your cropped image and then scale it down to fit.
- Play with a colour of the background, add a line border, add text!
- Print it and send it out to friends, clients etc!

Square is beautiful! (at least that's what my therapist tells me anyway!).
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