OK, oneputt my friend here's what you do - strap the D2X on a tree facing the on-coming onslaught and fire away remotely and see what you get, apart from one trashed camera.
I can't believe I just said this. It has sent a shiver up my spineless body(when it comes to my camera gear) just imagining it.... and it ain't even my camera! I suppose to get the shots that these reknowned pros get you need to take risks.
I always think of that that Andy Rouse shot of the elephant spraying mud then kicking the shit out of his EOS 5. It was a tremendous photograph but i think I would have cried.
I'll never be a well reknowned pro on my budget and risk taking, clearly a gene of which I'm bereft!!
I'm sure you'll try some more lightning shots - in a safe location to be sure
Gee i'd like o be at one of your meets. I haven't even seen a D2X little only held one. The dream continues
Hopefully next week I meet up with a pro friend of mine i haven't seen for a great many years, Peter Rossi and check out his arsenal of D2x's