I think what he means is, and what you're avoiding or trying to interpret as, is that we're not so much watching the posts but leaving word censors in there so as not to change his words... but rather, change how the forum interprets the words.
rog wrote:I know this won't change anything, but i'd like to add my name to the list of people who really don't appreciate having words put in their mouths and aren't afraid to say so.
You're right. It won't.
I don't have a problem with people who aren't afraid to say so.
It does seem rather a waste of time and space to keep rehashing this for amusement's sake.
Of whose time and whose space?
Space-wise, it takes up a few kilobytes on the server and a few lines where a brief laugh occurs at the expense of a word or two.
Time-wise... what time is lost?
Here, right now in this thread, we're having a somewhat intelligent discussion on the word filter and no time is being lost.
If you don't like talking about this and feel it is indeed a waste of your time... then... why are you reading this or even replying to it?
Surely it's not so much a waste of time if you feel a need to talk about it so.
A "waste of time" is something people would generally ignore... not debate or talk about.
I d o n ' t w a n t t o h a v e t o p o s t l i k e t h i s t o e n s u r e m y m e s s a g e i s n ' t c h a n g e d.
So don't.
Aside from making your text look like a lamer-newbie, you won't gain anything from it and you'll look stupid in the process.
Hey, I'll... err... even use your example of typing to help you out!
L o o k, u n l e s s y o u p l a n o n t y p i n g o r t a l k i n g
a b o u t a b u n c h o f " e x t r e m e K l i n g o n s t h a t
a t t a c k t h e w o r l d t h r o u g h k a r a o k e , "
y o u ' v e r e a l l y g o t n o t h i n g t o w o r r y a b o u t.
Seriously, if this sort of crap worries you, don't let it.
We like to screw with people's minds.
In fact, the term I use specifically in the way I do it is "I like to fuck with people's minds"... and we'll occasionally throw the odd joke out there for people to trip up on.
Usually it's divided... we'll find people who were pissed about and people who were laughing about it... and that's a typical balance...
The ones who laughed aren't taking themselves ridiculously seriously... the ones who got pissed... well...