from an aquaintance on another forum, not entirely sure of the spot. No kissing and telling, I suppose ;
One of those mornings where you pull up in the dark and wait for the light to slowly build. In the space of 5 mins there are 25 cars all peering through the mist at the walls of white breaking across the shelf. So as the light lifts and the first 3 guinea pigs paddle out and get swept down the beach ya think ... 6'6 or 7'2" and ... is Huey gonna let me out the easy way or the hard way. Briefly you check the rock off as there are a few lulls in the action but with the 1.9m high tide that looks doable but very, very sketchy. Okay ya grab the 6'6" as the face look workable and ya gamble on paddle in power vis carveability. Ya head down to the creek on the edge of the rocks and have a chat with the bloke that is having his second go at paddling out. In mid sentence ya plunge in and paddle ya guts out trying to stay cloes to the rocks and in the sweep going east knowing that when the sets come you will be washed south but ya want to be as far east as you can be before that happens to hit the channle square and fit between the lefts comeing off the shelf and the big old rolling right that links in from the otherside of the channel ... fork me the lull is hanging in and you are out with only two duckdives and a whole lot of thanks Huey. So ya paddle out to the takeoff zone and sit amongst the crew getting our bearings and waiting, watching for the sets to see how they go. A set looms on the horizon and you paddle a little wide and let it go and make a mental note ... "don't blow the takeoff". Ya have a bit of a chat and soak in the nervous energy and one looms up with you name on it. Ya turn and paddle with two others but they drop off because on days like this the man in the zone is the chosen one. So ya paddle like made and it starts to jack and little "ohs ohs" try to enter your clam place but you shut them out and feel the pitch and jump to your feet and plunge down the face with that tiny but critical space between you and the lip. Ya draw out the bottom turn and keep the board on a long smooth arc and drwa it out back up to the lip and down and up and cut back and stretch the section and down and slash and cut back and on and on into the beach.
Then ya paddle back out all buzzing and alive and catch another one. Then ya paddle back out all buzzing and alive and just when you are almost back in the line up a massive set looms up and breaks 5ft in front of you and you feel a little tug on your ankle and the weakest taiwanese crap legrope swivel link is severed and your floating 1.5km offshore in an 8ft + impact zone. swimming, swimming, swimming, swimming, swimming, swimming smashed on the shore, pummelled in the wash ya arrive back on the beach and go FORK IT!!!!!!
anyway thats what I did this morning.
Two hell waves and a bit of a swim. Gotta go to work now. Mentawis in 3.5 weeks.
A few other threads ;