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Which manual focus/auto focus switch to use.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 8:44 am
by coolpix
I have a question regarding the auto focus/manual focus on the D70.

With the 18-80mm DX lens there is a switch on the lens its self as well as the one on the camera body. Is there an advantage to using one over the other or are they one in the same.

Re: Which manual focus/auto focus switch to use.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 8:50 am
by Geoff
coolpix wrote:I have a question regarding the auto focus/manual focus on the D70.

With the 18-80mm DX lens there is a switch on the lens its self as well as the one on the camera body. Is there an advantage to using one over the other or are they one in the same.

Hi Coolpix, interesting question! I tend to prefer the switch on the camera body itself. Why? Well..I find it much easier to flick than the one on the 18-70 kit lens. I don't think there is an advantage of one over the other but I may be wrong. The position of the switch on the body seems more ergonomic to swtich without moving the body away from your face/head when you have a shot you want to take. I'd be interested to see what the other membes have to say about this :).


PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 8:57 am
by birddog114
I used the switch on the lens more often than on the body,
It quick to change your style of shooting and composing, lens and if you use the switch on the body you may left it and forgot to switch it back when you want to use AF, then OOF if you're in the rush.
Mainly the switch on the body uses for NON AF or AIS lens, cos the old lens does not have the thid type of switch on its barrel.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 10:54 am
by Onyx
Up to your personal preference. I did read in Thom's Ebook however, to choose the body over the lens. Just to avoid comfusion when switching to other non-AFS lenses.