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Help a Kid...

PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 9:40 pm
by Raskill
Ahoy folks,

Just a small favour to ask you all, that is easy to do and will only cost you $5.

In Woolies & Big W just now they are selling 'Bandaged Bear' fund raising toys, pens etc for Westmead Childrens Hosiptal. They are also selling small first aid kits, about the size of a Ipod, which contain Band-aids, wipes etc. They are ideal for camera bags, and come in small pocket sized plastic boxes.

The reason I'm asking you all to help out is that Westmead Childrens Hospital need help from the public all the time, and this is how we can help.

Why am I asking? Because Westmead Hospital and it's staff have saved the life of my nephew Findlay, performing open heart surgery at 2 days old and later a double by-pass on him. He's great now, but it was thought by all he wouldn't ever be going home.

Please help a worthy cause, it's truly a life saver. You'll feel good, and have some band-aids.


Alan. :D