How whould you answar this??????
Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 10:40 am
Morning all
On the other forum I frequent there’s a thread going for people looking at buying a digital cam wanting to ask a few question about the model they are looking at getting.
This was posted up last night I’ve answered with my opinion & I was just thinking how the d70 forum members would handle the same question????
Have a read & see what you think??
"AAAAH, there ya go digital cameras breaking down 2 months after warranty expires, fstop problems overexposing the lightning (fstop and apertures are no different with film or digital it still only doubles or halves the light reaching the film/sensor).
All this is easier to deal with when shooting with film I find
But here is a suggestion guys, you can buy a fully manual SLR say a pentax k1000 for 50 bucks and load it with slide or print film and expose with a cable release and get beautiful lightning photos and if camera gets a bit wet, who cares! its full manual you dont need a meter at night!
"Oh! but! but! the cost to develop the film is high!" PISH POSH!
Figure it out, next time you are photographing a storm and you take a pic and say "dont like that" fiddle with the menu to delete it, fuss with the menu again to change your aperture and exposure time you probably missed some of the best flangs;)
Then finally after two hrs of digital madness you get home patting yourself on the back cos you have a hundred shots, download said hundred shots to computer, then sort through going delete, keep, delete.
"AAAh now I have sorted those I can process em" you think to yourself.
Now its time to colour correct, sharpen,unsharpen, change the sky because it does not look as nice as you thought it should have.
Ok try this, time yourself with your digital darkroom and determine how long it took you to do all your processing, work out a cost figure say based on what you would have been doing had you not been photoshopping or whatever, put a dollar figure on it if you wish based on I dunno say ten bucks an hour ( min wage)
Add it all up and then compare that with the ten bucks (less for film) it cost me to get some one else to process my slides.
I get them back I cut the strips 20 min job and put em into sleeves and then in my folder.
You can always ask the lab to do 10x15 scans to CD when you have said film or slides processed its only 12 bucks extra and one less job you need to do to "go digital"
So come into the light my sons and daughters, throw away your devil toys! and become a "Photographer" and not a "digital image taker"
MMMMMM fiiiiiiiiillllmmm aurrrrghghhh as homer would say "
On the other forum I frequent there’s a thread going for people looking at buying a digital cam wanting to ask a few question about the model they are looking at getting.
This was posted up last night I’ve answered with my opinion & I was just thinking how the d70 forum members would handle the same question????
Have a read & see what you think??
"AAAAH, there ya go digital cameras breaking down 2 months after warranty expires, fstop problems overexposing the lightning (fstop and apertures are no different with film or digital it still only doubles or halves the light reaching the film/sensor).
All this is easier to deal with when shooting with film I find
But here is a suggestion guys, you can buy a fully manual SLR say a pentax k1000 for 50 bucks and load it with slide or print film and expose with a cable release and get beautiful lightning photos and if camera gets a bit wet, who cares! its full manual you dont need a meter at night!
"Oh! but! but! the cost to develop the film is high!" PISH POSH!
Figure it out, next time you are photographing a storm and you take a pic and say "dont like that" fiddle with the menu to delete it, fuss with the menu again to change your aperture and exposure time you probably missed some of the best flangs;)
Then finally after two hrs of digital madness you get home patting yourself on the back cos you have a hundred shots, download said hundred shots to computer, then sort through going delete, keep, delete.
"AAAh now I have sorted those I can process em" you think to yourself.
Now its time to colour correct, sharpen,unsharpen, change the sky because it does not look as nice as you thought it should have.
Ok try this, time yourself with your digital darkroom and determine how long it took you to do all your processing, work out a cost figure say based on what you would have been doing had you not been photoshopping or whatever, put a dollar figure on it if you wish based on I dunno say ten bucks an hour ( min wage)
Add it all up and then compare that with the ten bucks (less for film) it cost me to get some one else to process my slides.
I get them back I cut the strips 20 min job and put em into sleeves and then in my folder.
You can always ask the lab to do 10x15 scans to CD when you have said film or slides processed its only 12 bucks extra and one less job you need to do to "go digital"
So come into the light my sons and daughters, throw away your devil toys! and become a "Photographer" and not a "digital image taker"
MMMMMM fiiiiiiiiillllmmm aurrrrghghhh as homer would say "