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Adaptor Plate for SC-29

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2007 4:58 pm
by methd
Hey guys.... I'm looking to buy this:

FA-11 Adapter Plate for the Nikon SC-29 Shoe Cord
MFR #FA11 • B&H #WIFA11

Link: ... ingCharges

Does anyone know where I can get this in AU, as I do not wish to pay $26 USD postage on an item worth $18USD, and is only 3cm in length.

Alternatively, anyone buying something from B&H want to add my order and we an split shipping costs?

There's also one other alternative... is there another product that can do the same job that is available locally?. That is, attach my hot shoe box from the SC-29 to a standard stroboframe flash bracket?.


PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2007 5:20 pm
by Laurie
methd, that link takes us to what would be in your cart (afaik)
it does not however log us into your account.
just FYI

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2007 5:23 pm
by Oz_Beachside
what is your model stroboframe?

I use the manfrotto bracket, which has a 1/4" threaded spigot at the top, so the SC29 simply screws on.

I assume your strobframe has a hotshoe. Can you remove the hotshot, and replace it with a 1/4" threaded knob? I know manfrotto make threaded knobs for this sort of thing.

I recomend taking your setup into Vanbar (carlton or north melbourne), they have stock of screws and bits, and you should get away for about $10.

Maybe one of these?

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2007 5:45 pm
by methd
Oz_Beachside wrote:what is your model stroboframe?

I use the manfrotto bracket, which has a 1/4" threaded spigot at the top, so the SC29 simply screws on.

I assume your strobframe has a hotshoe. Can you remove the hotshot, and replace it with a 1/4" threaded knob? I know manfrotto make threaded knobs for this sort of thing.

I recomend taking your setup into Vanbar (carlton or north melbourne), they have stock of screws and bits, and you should get away for about $10.

Maybe one of these?

thats exactly what i was looking for ( a cheaper option!)

the hot shoe from the SC-29 can be screwed onto the bracket if I was to buy a screw that fits, but I thought the adaptor would be a 'safer' option.

the existing hotshoe that came with the bracket can be removed but the screw that came with it is too long so cannot be re-used with the SC-29 hot shoe.

If I could find a new screw that fits, it would be perfect :)

thanks btw laurie - thanks

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2007 6:45 pm
by Oz_Beachside
the best option is the screws with the lock nuts, like the manfotto one. I think its about $10, and has a second oversized nut, so you can control the depth the screw goes into the SC29.

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2007 7:12 pm
by methd
Oz_Beachside wrote:the best option is the screws with the lock nuts, like the manfotto one. I think its about $10, and has a second oversized nut, so you can control the depth the screw goes into the SC29.

do you have a reference to this screw? I might just drop off to hardware store and find something that fits as a last alternative.

i went to vanbar just then, and unfortunately they couldnt help me with any screw but they had pretty good service tho. ended up buying a few rolls of film but still no screw :(

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2007 7:58 pm
by johnd
Methd, I have an RRS FA-29 adapter plate that came with my RRS Portrait Package. I don't need it because I have a SC28 not an SC29 that I use with my RRS gear. The RRS Portrait Package has quite a long screw to attach the SC28 and the FA-29 adapter takes this long screw and has a shorter screw that attaches to a SC29. I hope this is making sense. I suggest you check out the RRS web site and let me know if you think the FA-29 will do the job for you.


PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2007 8:04 pm
by Oz_Beachside
methd wrote:... but still no screw :(

I hate those days... :wink:

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2007 8:18 pm
by Oz_Beachside
You could take the screw out of this bracket... (look at the screw that goes into the camera base)

You might be able to buy just the screw and locknut.

It might be this... (bottom right corner, "Manfrotto 9035 Camera screw & collar 1/4" ")

Or, Vanbar sell the Hama bracket (very simple), called a 6861.

Here is the Hama bracket (just the flat plate on the bottom, with a speed ring, and SC29 mounted in place.

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2007 8:21 pm
by Oz_Beachside
here is the schematic for my flash bracket...

hope this helps, good luck, and enjoy

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2007 9:30 pm
by methd
Oz_Beachside wrote:here is the schematic for my flash bracket...

hope this helps, good luck, and enjoy

thanks for ur help on this, really appreciate it. I'm going to take John on his offer with the plate and see if that does the trick. If not, I'll order a manfro screw or two and try my luck as it appears the length of the screw has to be perfect or the hot show won't sit firm. i guess i can always get a larger screw from the hardware shop and just buy washers to fill the gap. that's pretty agricultural, but will have to do if there's little else choice.

PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2007 12:38 am
by redline
i brought a nice plate at the local swap meet for 2$ works quite well with the sc29 and d70.

i dunno what brand it was but i can post a pic if you like