Thanks Chi and Shakey - you've pretty well answered what I was thinking anyway. As you say, Shakey, the D70 histogram is very difficult to see but i'm hoping the larger and brighter screen on the D300 will help out there. I tend to use CW metering most of the time anyway so it won't be a chore to stick with that in the majority of instances. There is so much conjecture (even in your two responses) about whether to compensate EV or not so I guess, as with most things in this game, it'll be a case of experimentation.
I wanted to have a reasonable understanding of the challenges and best solutions as, although I can fix up problems back in PP, I won't have access to my PC or photoshop for 3 weeks so I wanted to get as much right 'in camera' as I could. Be a bugger to have to go back and reshoot...
Chi - yep, definitely northern hemisphere. Flying visit to New York, staying with relos in Connecticut, up to Vermont for a few days skiing then a full day drive to Georgian Bay area, north of Toronto for teh Christmas week. Extremely low temperatures (-12deg C at Georgian Bay, -16deg C in the mountains in Vermont). Not the coldest I've experienced (skiing in -30deg C in the French Alps back in 1988) but certainly the coldest I've ever photographed in. I forgot about the UV factors at altitude and will update my cheap sunnies and ski goggles when I get over there.
Thanks guys!