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Survey: Whats your "holy grail" photo?

PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 2:46 pm
by ozimax
Here's a question just for fun:

What's your "holy grail" photograph? Is there a subject that you have waited a long time to photograph. Maybe it's Elvis in a UFO? Nessy? Wallabies holding the Bledisloe Cup aloft? I spent quite a bit of time with my late Coffs' neighbour Geoffrey Lee and he recalled times spent photographing Elizabeth Taylor, Omar Sharif, Louie Armstrong and many others. He'd been there and done everything in his career.

Anyone like to add to the discussion? Maybe it's a Tassie tiger? An honest lawyer? A literate rugby league player? :biglaugh:

I've photographed a fair few things over the years but I really want to get a killer bull riding shot. I have tickets for the Tamworth PBR rodeo in a few weeks and hopefully I will nail something.

Re: Survey: Whats your "holy grail" photo?

PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 7:04 am
by gstark
Great topic.

For me there's a couple of things that, although not holy grail items, are projects that I'd like to commence.

The first of those is just to photograph and document body art. The art, and the people who wear it. Set up a website and display it all.

The second is to take street photographs of couples walking around. But not just any couples: Howe many times have you seen two people, walking down the street, obviously together, obviously a "couple" of some sort, but each of them has been engaged in a conversation on their cellphone? That!. And it need not be just a couple; an occasional threesome would be fine, too.

Re: Survey: Whats your "holy grail" photo?

PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 8:29 am
by ozimax
gstark wrote:Great topic.

For me there's a couple of things that, although not holy grail items, are projects that I'd like to commence.

The first of those is just to photograph and document body art. The art, and the people who wear it. Set up a website and display it all.

The second is to take street photographs of couples walking around. But not just any couples: Howe many times have you seen two people, walking down the street, obviously together, obviously a "couple" of some sort, but each of them has been engaged in a conversation on their cellphone? That!. And it need not be just a couple; an occasional threesome would be fine, too.

I'm constantly telling my (adult) kids: "Turn your mobile off at the dinner table!!!!!!" Irritates me no end but yes, would make a great subject for a photo-doco. As for body art, it definitely would be interesting but not for me. I try to hide my one-pack at all times...

Re: Survey: Whats your "holy grail" photo?

PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 5:07 pm
by zafra52
I find Street photography a great challenge, maybe because I am shy and when I take photos of strangers I feel as an intruder. You can't ask permission because you break that magic combination of spontaneity and serendipity inherent in good street photography.

Re: Survey: Whats your "holy grail" photo?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 3:00 pm
by biggerry
I gave up on the holy grail shot - rather just accepted that I will probably only ever get opportunistic shots based on where I am and what gear I have at the time... that said catching the northern lights is one on my bucket list, but the proliferation of canned image tours have diminished that somewhat :)

Re: Survey: Whats your "holy grail" photo?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 05, 2016 8:27 am
by sirhc55
I am waiting to get a shot of Elvis and if that fails I will stick to flowers.