It is nigh on impossible to impart useful advice without knowing more about what you friend looks like, what her aspirations are and what her experience is.
There is
modelling and there is
modelling. On the one hand there is the fashion world, on the pother is the wporld of general advertsing and casting. All have different needs and all set different selection criteria.
My advice for a 'fashion' or 'beauty' style
model would be to get a couple of good clear portraits and body shots done and take them to Vivien's, Chadwicks, Camerons, or somebody else of that calibre. They will be brutally honest and either say YAY or NAY. If it is a NAY (as it well may be given the number of aspirants) then it is up to your friend to decide whether or not she runs the gauntlet of the also-ran agencies and the possibility of being ripped off.
For the more general type advertising
modelling there are other types of agents which can look at her from a different perspective.
I guess the simplest advice is NOT to go anywhere near any agency advertising for new faces. Well, that's the second simplest advice: the best is to advise her to take a hold of her senses and get over it.
I worked with a multitude of
models over a great many years and happily walked away in time because the thought of suffering one more exposure to them proved too daunting. Why they want to do this is anybody's guess, but they do and so there are those gathering to take advantage of them. It is a minefield.
The comment from another photographer that best matched my own attitude was made by the great English fashion shooter Bob Carlos Clark who likened
models to ladybirds. We love little ladyboirds and sing songs to them about the welfare of their off-spring and their burning home .... but essentially they are woodmites in a polka-dot frock. I'm sure you see the analogy.