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My first dSLR - 450D w/ 50mm f/1.8

PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 11:16 pm
by kitchenwench
Just three weeks ago, I upgraded from my Powershot G7 and joined the legion of dSLR users with my purchase of a Canon 450D and the 50mm f/1.8 lens :)

My first shot - Image

After my second week - Image

Third week in - Image

Fourth week - Image

A bit soft, and I'm still getting used to the weight and capability of the dSLR vs the p&s, but I'm loving it :D

Re: My first dSLR - 450D w/ 50mm f/1.8

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:27 am
by paulmac
Really Really Nice Work!

You think the 450D is heavy now. Just wait until you buy another lens! They're all heavier. :(
I recently picked up my daughter's Fuji s602, my oldie, and nearly threw it across the room, as it was so light.

Can't wait to see more of your work. (And that ice cream looks delicious!)

Congratulations, and welcome on board.

Re: My first dSLR - 450D w/ 50mm f/1.8

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 10:01 am
by the foto fanatic
Hi Ellie

Welcome to the forum. And thanks for posting some images right away. Love #1.

After reading your post, I had a quick flick through your blogs, and I am mighty impressed. You seem to pack an awful lot of life into your life. :)

You definitely have a talent for the art direction and photography of food, and I hope we get to see a lot more of that here.

Again, welcome - make yourself at home.

Re: My first dSLR - 450D w/ 50mm f/1.8

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:07 pm
by gstark
paulmac wrote:You think the 450D is heavy now. Just wait until you buy another lens!

Just wait till you start taking some images using a large capacity card. All of those images being stored on a card really tends to weigh things down a hell of a lot.

That's why it is, btw, that throughout the day, as you shoot, the camera seems to get heavier. :)



Ellie, welcome, and nice images here. I can see a lot of skill in your work, and look forward to seeing more of it.

Could I trouble you to please put a meaningful location in your profile? A capital city isn't quite specific enough. Thank you.

Re: My first dSLR - 450D w/ 50mm f/1.8

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 6:30 pm
by kitchenwench
@PaulMac - Thanks :) I did actually get the kit lens (18-55mm f/4 IS) but to be honest - while it is a great lens, I've barely used it since purchase because of it's weight and because most of the shooting I do asks for the lovely bokeh of the 50mm :) I do know what you mean about light though, as I dusted off the G7 to take a quickie the other day and was amazed at how light it felt in comparison!!

@CricketFan - Thank you :) I really like that one too...although the model thinks her facial expression is silly and hates it! :P As for my life...well, what's life if it isn't worth living? :D Thanks for the lovely comments regarding my work - I'm really looking forward to sharing some here and getting critical feedback...have only been on Flickr so far and it's useless as far as getting critique on work is concerned :-/ Well, for me anyway!

@GStark - What's a large capacity card? Sorry, don't mean to be ignorant, I'm still learning all the jargon :) And sorry about that - no trouble at all, I've updated my location now :)

Re: My first dSLR - 450D w/ 50mm f/1.8

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 6:39 pm
by gstark
kitchenwench wrote:@GStark - What's a large capacity card? Sorry, don't mean to be ignorant, I'm still learning all the jargon :) And sorry about that - no trouble at all, I've updated my location now :)

Thanx for fixing the location. It actually helps us to be able to help you more easily if we know where you are: while there's no point in telling you to go to Ted's on Pitt St when Michael's on Elizabeth St would be the better option, it's when you encounter an issue that requires some hand-holding that this forum comes to the fore: we have members all over the place, and there's often somebody close by who may be able to lend a helping hand.

Large capacity card: I'm talking about how much storage is on any given card - 16GB is larger than 8GB is larger than 4GB is larger than 2GB. The higher the number, the greater the capacity of the card, which means that it can hold more of your images before it fills itself up.

Re: My first dSLR - 450D w/ 50mm f/1.8

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 8:58 pm
by CoryH
I really like no's 2 and 4

Re: My first dSLR - 450D w/ 50mm f/1.8

PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 10:54 am
by paulmac
gstark wrote:That's why it is, btw, that throughout the day, as you shoot, the camera seems to get heavier. :)

Ahhh, I was wondering why the camera was getting so heavy after shooting a few hundred pics at a time...