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Firstish shots - D90!

PostPosted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 1:21 pm
by FrankieP
After a year of learning and playing with my beloved D40, I upgraded a short while ago to the fabulous D90 - here are some shots from my first day with her. Unfortunately due to an act of profound foolishness don't have the Very First Image anymore - I formatted my card after first filling it without checking the pics had copied over to my computer fully and for some reason it had stopped during the transfer and I'd not realised. I think I still have the bruise on my forehead from my epic facepalm that day!

I'm only a learner so nothing too wondrous I'm afraid, but it was lovely driving around in the hills behind Brisbane and we were lucky that the rain stopped for half an hour just as we passed that barn. I nearly walked right into that freaky ass spider whilst nearing the barn, and ended up taking more shots of him than of my intended subject!

Actually the rain of that day and the following 2 weeks gave me a heck of a lot to shoot over the following few days - my home of Charleville flooded whilst I was away, along with most of SW Queensland. It took me 3 days to reach home due to all the flooding along the way, and I spent a lot of time whilst trapped away from home shooting the carnage.. very happy to have had my new camera! I've popped in one of those down the bottom.





Re: Firstish shots - D90!

PostPosted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 2:08 pm
by biggerry
I upgraded a short while ago to the fabulous D90

yep, I am jealous.. :wink: you will not be disappointed with that body...

freaky ass spider

lol, i think it is known as a Christmas Spider.. I saw similiar ones over in Western Aus recently...

Re: Firstish shots - D90!

PostPosted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 4:28 pm
by FrankieP
Thanks, BigG! Christmas spider, huh? Dunno that I'd like a little surprise like that lurking beneath my Chrissy tree! :shock:

Re: Firstish shots - D90!

PostPosted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 10:41 pm
by aim54x
Your going to enjoy the D90, congrats.

Shame about the first image being formatted

Re: Firstish shots - D90!

PostPosted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 11:31 am
by andy
Next time you have a formatting 'incident' keep in mind that it's relatively easy with the right software to recover the photos from the formatted card. Until you've refilled the card with new photos that is...

Re: Firstish shots - D90!

PostPosted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 3:22 pm
by FrankieP
It is?! Oh. Double doh. :cry:

Re: Firstish shots - D90!

PostPosted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 3:09 pm
by wlolo429
I love the third one the most! For the first pic, i think it's a bit over-contrast and it's too bright for me. anyway nice pictures! :cheers: