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Listing Of Purchasers and donation funds

PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 1:36 pm
by birddog114
sihrc55 @$895.00 Donation $26.85
gregB @$110.00 Donation $3.30
nigels @ $142.60 Donation $4.28
Glen @$1410.00 Donation $42.30
PhillipB @ $xxxxxx Donation $10.00 (From his personal pocket)
Woody @$136.00 Donation $4.08 + 4.00 (his own fund)
DaraD @$136.00 Donation $4.08 + $10.00 (his own fund)
Fozzie @$446.00 Donation $13.38
Mudder @$480.00 Donation $14.40 + $100.00 (his own fund)
MattyB @$30.00 Donation $0.90
Platinumweaver@$120.00 Donation $3.60
Chinaman @$29.00 Donation $0.87

Total $242.04

Update information Tsunami Appeal

PostPosted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 7:42 am
by birddog114
So far up to the end of Saturday 08/01/05
We have raised the total of $1150.00 for the Tsunami Victims in SEA.

We're continuing to run this Fund raising campaign in the next mini-meets on the following Saturday 15/ 22/ 29 Jan. 05.

We will do the sum up at the end of 29 January 05.

Gary and I, on behalf of will hand the monies to VABAT on Sunday 30/01/05.

We will post a list of all donors on the 1st February 2005.

The receipt of donation funds will be mailed to all donors in February 2005. (All donations over $2.00 are tax deductibles).

PostPosted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 8:12 am
by Raydar
Great stuff Birdy :D

The way things are looking over there, all the help they can get would be much appreciated!!!! :cry:

Ray :P

PostPosted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 9:27 am
by meicw
Birddog, I would like to contribute to your fund. The amount wont be much, though. How can I do this?
I admire your generosity and open-heartedness to this forum, and to your community's fundraising efforts.
