Hey guys, I just tried this trick out.
I am not able to get TTL to function as it should - it's overexposing, consistently firing at close to full power.
However, in
AA mode it's fine.
It seems that by blocking the two contacts, the camera is unaware of the flash's presence, yet a shutter release fires the mounted flash, and exposures are spot on.
This also has the implication that slow sync is now default. ie. it used to be that you were restricted to 1/60 or faster (or whatever shutter speed selected in custom menu) when using the flash in normal front curtain sync
mode. Now, the camera always meters for ambient light, including multi-second exposures, yet the camera balances ambient and flash exposures surprisingly well! I like the results.
Plus, there's no longer the 1/500th barrier in daylight so it's a joy to shoot in bright light with fast primes wide open!