My Digital Workflow Article...Moderator: Moderators
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My Digital Workflow Article...Hi there guys,
I just wrote and article on digital workflow for NEF and ACR if anyone is interested. If anyone has the time/patients/desire to read it I'd love some feedback (good and bad!) It can be found here: http://www.australiandigitalphotography ... essing.htm or download it directly from: http://www.australiandigitalphotography ... rkflow.pdf It's around 170kB I think Thanks, Paul EDIT: Updated file with a link to one of the actions talked about in the file http://www.australiandigitalphotography ... ons001.htm Last edited by NikonUser on Mon Aug 29, 2005 7:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Living in poverty due to my addiction to NIKON... Is there a clinic that can help me?
Hi Paul.
I just had a quick look through and it looks like you've done a really good job on it. My workflow is very disorganised hehehe so I should go over your article more thoroughly when I'm actually at my computer. Cheers, Owen.
Hi Paul,
thanks for posting this, was just thinking that I should get my workflow more organised, so the timing is great for me. I haven't had a chance to read it yet, will get to it tonight, but at the very first look, I'll be picky ![]() The letter "s" seems of a different font to the rest. Is is just me? It doesn't quite stand out in the normal text, but in the bold titles, it looks a bit out of place, initially I thought it was a dollar sign, till I mag it. Don't hesitate to send me off to my optometrist ![]() Cheers, Radar. Photography, as a powerful medium of expression and communications, offers an infinite variety of perception, interpretation and execution. Ansel Adams
(misc Nikon stuff)
Hmm I didn't notice the 's'
Yeah you're right it does look different. It is the same font and size though. Weird! Might have to change that! ![]() I hope it can help someone... I'm certainly no expert and they are just my thoughts. I'm even less of a writer than I am of a photographer so I hope it's clear enough and easy enough to understand. I have also updated my site with an action that is talked about in the article http://www.australiandigitalphotography ... ons001.htm Paul
Living in poverty due to my addiction to NIKON... Is there a clinic that can help me?
Slightly OT:
Do Acrobat files have the fonts embedded in them or does the end user have to have it installed? Thanks Paul
Living in poverty due to my addiction to NIKON... Is there a clinic that can help me?
YES... Cheers, John
Leek@Flickr | Leek@RedBubble | Leek@DeviantArt D700; D200; Tokina 12-24; Nikkor 50mm f1.4,18-70mm,85mm f1.8, 105mm,80-400VR, SB-800s; G1227LVL; RRS BH-55; Feisol 1401
G'day Paul,
Thanks for posting up your workflow. I'm sure it will be a big help and time saver. Will go through it thoroughly when I get some time. Also, I like how you've created your website and was wondering if you had any formal training or if not, know what the best way is to learn to create a website like this. This is something I've always wanted to learn. Any advice would be appreciated. Cheers, Jase. ![]() Jase - 'Motorcycle Gallery' - 'Car Gallery'
Glad to hear you like my page. Hope the article helps.
No I haven't had any formal training at all. This is my first website. I found the best way to learn was to look at online tutorials and code snippets. If you go through those and work out exactly what the code is doing it's pretty easy to work out. HTML is definately not hard to learn! Javascript is a little more tricky but I pick stuff like that up really fast. Dreamweaver MX is a GREAT tool to use. I mainly use the "Code" view but the "WYSIWYG" (What you see is what you get) mode is easy to use. EDIT: I'd love to say I designed the menu system... but that was too advanced for me. I purchased the code from Good luck Paul
Living in poverty due to my addiction to NIKON... Is there a clinic that can help me?
Thanks Paul!
I have Dreamweaver MX so I'll have a play around with it and try to learn this code stuff. Cheers, Jase. ![]() Jase - 'Motorcycle Gallery' - 'Car Gallery'
many thanks for this useful of documents - not only precise and concise, it seems, but also presented in a very easy to follow form. I have printed out the .pdf file and will read it in depth later, but scanning through it there seems to be a lot of info that will save me making copious notes. Thanks again, _______________
Walter "Photography was not a bastard left by science on the doorstep of art, but a legitimate child of the Western pictorial tradition." - Galassi
I read the article last night and am going to use it to process about 500 images I have taken over the course of a soccer season. You have done a very good job with this. It is clear, well laid out and sensible in approach. A great effort in fact, please accept my thanks for the work you have done for the forum in placing it online. I have had PS for some time (even got the upgrade to CS2 recently) but I never seem to have the time to get down and learn the thing properly. This workflow should ensure I have the images in the proper condition to use it. ![]() In the end we know Nothing, but in the meantime Learn like crazy.
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