Your images have been a real treat, your advice has helped many and your humour has entertained us all.
Thank you for your huge contribution to this forum and the SEQld group of DSLRers.
ONEPUTT'S ONE GRANDModerator: Moderators
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ONEPUTT'S ONE GRANDCongratulations John on reaching 1000 posts!
![]() Your images have been a real treat, your advice has helped many and your humour has entertained us all. Thank you for your huge contribution to this forum and the SEQld group of DSLRers. Simon
D300 l MB-D10 l D70 l SB-800 l 70-200 VR l TC 17-E l 18-70 f3.5-4.5 l 70-300 f4-5.6 l 50 f1.4 l 90 Macro f2.8 l 12-24 f4 http://www.redbubble.com/people/manta
Congratulations on achieving this milestone. Another valuable member of the forum and another 1K member of the Queensland brigade. Well done. Wendell I didn't know either ![]() Peter
Disclaimer: I know nothing about anything. *** smugmug galleries: http://www.stubbsy.smugmug.com ***
Where have you been? Not seeing you today? gone bush again? Congrats for achieving a grand! hhope you'll get another one soon! Birddog114
VNAF, My Beloved Country and Airspace
Well done John. Congrats on 1000 posts.
![]() Look forward to many more Queensland flavoured tidbits in the future. TFF (Trevor)
My History Blog: Your Brisbane: Past & Present My Photo Blog: The Foto Fanatic Nikon stuff!
Havent met you yet, but hopefully will one day.. congrats on the 1000 posts.. and keep up the top work!
Tim D70 - D200/MBD200 Coming soon - Too Much Gear, Not Enough Talent
My Site: http://www.digitalstill.net My Fishing Site: http://www.fishseq.com
I have just come across this one
![]() ![]() "The good thing about meditation is that it makes doing nothing respectable"
D3 - http://www.oneputtphotographics.com
Well done on the 1k
If a picture is worth a thousand words, what is worth a thousand posts? Sorry that sounds a bit lame - my poetry is nearly as bad as my panorama photography! Hope to meet you at a SEQ meet soon. Gecko Nikon D70, SB600, Benbo Trekker, LSII, KingPano and a lot to learn!
Dodging and burning are steps to take care of mistakes God made in establishing tonal relationships! -Ansel Adams
Well done OP. Didn't stay there long
![]() Cheers
Mark ![]() http://www.trekaboutphotography.com He who dies with the most lenses wins...
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