Marks on images

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Marks on images

Postby obzelite on Tue Mar 14, 2006 2:23 am

I have a small issue with my D70.
In any pictures that feature the sky predominantly three marks appear on the images, doesn’t matter what lenses I use the marks are always in the same place. I've marked the last one, but i dont think i needed to as the spots are so obvious.

These three below are really bad, probably the worst I have seen.
Is this dust? And if so can I clean it or should I get it done by a professional.
excuse the jpg compression, i'm on a modem at the moment.

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Postby shaunus on Tue Mar 14, 2006 3:25 am

hi obzelite,

they are more then likely dust spots on your sensor itself, lockup the mirror and check it out, they may come off with a quick blow.
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Postby sheepie on Tue Mar 14, 2006 6:51 am

Yip - Dust Bunny Hell!!!

You need to do a search on either 'dust bunnies' or 'air rocket'. There's a few other terms I'm sure someone will pick up and post - I gotta hurry this morning, sorry ;)
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Postby birddog114 on Tue Mar 14, 2006 6:56 am

As other said, they are dust bunnies and "Dust bunnies" are your friends and companions thru the entirely life of your DSLR.
Don't panic, start to learn yourself the way to clean it and and it's an easy task.
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