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Postby Zeeke on Fri Jun 02, 2006 7:00 pm

2 nights ago.. I got a private message through my fishing site/forums... a member was talking to one of his co-workers who is female... she was talking about having some nude photos taken.. he told her he knew a photographer (me :( ) and that he'd contact me about asking if I'd be interested in doing such a shoot

I replied... mainly because I was curious.. what exactly kind of photos she wanted.. mainly because well.. I aint exactly pinup material.. so having someone interested in having me photograph them nude is.. shocking lol

Anyways, she wants some creative black and white style photos.. in a rainforest with her draped over branches and hugging tree's... ya know.. the kinda photos you wouldnt be ashamed to have hanging on your wall... but she also wants some photos which are a bit more out there.. she wants pics taken in a "white room" with chains in which she has them around her body and such... creative stuff, verging on erotic.. ..

Ok, so.. Ive emailed Doug, because he's my local expert on these kind of things and he's offered to give me a hand and back me up..

I should reply to the email soon... but seriously, what do you all think? has anyone else here done this kind of stuff or even been offered to do this stuff?

I'd love to give it a shot.. i reckon the experience would be great.. but a massive learning curve in an extremely short time...

anyways... keen to hear your thoughts.. i'm gonna go think some more on it

p.s. and for those interested, yes, they have even offered to pay me, and give me permission to sell the photos after the shoot
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Postby sirhc55 on Fri Jun 02, 2006 7:02 pm

I see absolutely no reason not to take this project on Tim :)
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Postby Michael on Fri Jun 02, 2006 7:03 pm

Tim as I said on MSN.....

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Postby Alpha_7 on Fri Jun 02, 2006 7:03 pm

Sounds a little intimidating, but fun and good experience too, but a little scary / uncharted territory.
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Postby xerubus on Fri Jun 02, 2006 7:10 pm

I think you should do it as nudes are very rewarding... however, i'd also be up front that you haven't done nudes before just to clear the air.

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Postby Trieu on Fri Jun 02, 2006 7:12 pm

Great chance to learn more about photography.... I think taking photo's of family and landscape are fun. But the real test is when your shots are on the line.

Your results will be cherished by this person for a long long time.

I would say go for it, not only to learn but to also provide your skills to someone who will appreciate it :)

My 2 cents....
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Postby rokkstar on Fri Jun 02, 2006 7:15 pm


Go for it mate. I think it would be a worthiwhile experience if nothing else. You'll also get some cracking shots for your portfolio.

I would love to do some nude work myself (the model, not me, christ that wouldnt be nice) and haveing someone volunteer would be a blessing.

Good luck with it and cant wait to see the results.
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Postby macka on Fri Jun 02, 2006 7:15 pm

If she's asked you to do it, then she's obviously pretty comfortable with the whole idea. I would simply say, "why not?" but I think the main thing is that you have to be comfortable with the idea as well. If you feel weird/nervous/taken aback by doing it then that will probably be reflected in the end result.

It's not that unusual a request. I say relax and go for it. Make sure you get a clear idea of what she's after, and, I agree with Xerebus, don't talk yourself down but be upfront.

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Postby Manta on Fri Jun 02, 2006 7:28 pm

Definitely something you should take on, Tim. My advice would be similar to others here - make sure you both know exactly what's required before the shoot. If possible, try to get together a few times beforehand to get to know each other a little and talk about things, so it's not so confronting at the time and you both feel comfortable with each other.

Whilst you may not be able to plan exactly how it will all pan out, as these things usually evolve on their own depending on how everyone is feeling, make sure you both agree beforehand on a word, phrase or signal that means I'm not comfortable with this anymore, it's time to stop." Then stop. She sounds like she's very...enthusiastic.. so you might be the one calling an end to it!

I'm sure with your gentle nature and photographic skills, you'll have no trouble with this 'delicate' assignment.
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Postby Flyer on Fri Jun 02, 2006 7:32 pm

Latest issue (#43) of "Better Photography" had a pretty good article on shooting nudes.
Might want to check it out...
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Postby gstark on Fri Jun 02, 2006 7:41 pm


What the thers have said: do it.

It will be a great experience for you, and a wonderful challenge.

A couple of points, and I'm sure I needn't remind you, but be sure to be entirely professional in your approach and attitude to the model. Respect is paramount, and you can use this as an opportunity to broaden your scope, and experience, and build more and different work for your portfolio.

If you feel that you need to rearrange her pose, let her know what you'd like her do as clearly as you can, and if you feel a need to touch her, don't be afraid to let her know before you do this.

Given what you have described of her wishes, it actually sounds like it's two separate projects. You should probably point this out to her, and work with that sort of concept in mind. The demands of each of these tasks will be quite different, but you should make it your job to enjoy the experience as much as you can, while working deliberately and thoroughly, and learning as you go.

Finally, for the white room stuff, that is sounding as though she is looking for some high key work, so bear that in mind as you prepare your lighting for that task.
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Postby leek on Fri Jun 02, 2006 7:52 pm

Can I fly up and carry your camera bag? :lol:

Seriously though... If you can still get hold of it, there is an excellent article on nude photography by Peter Adams in the Autumn 2006 edition of Better Photography... Lots of tips on how to do it well and how to put the model at ease...

If you can't still buy it at the newsagent, let me know by PM and I'll scan a copy for you...

Go for it Tim... I'd probably start with the more mellow stuff and then if it works out and you get on well, go for the more 'artistic' stuff.

EDIT: Just saw Arek's post about the same article...
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Postby Zeeke on Fri Jun 02, 2006 8:49 pm

Thanks folks for the replies.. I honestly would like to give it a shot.. and yeah, I think it is a 2 shot session... I would prefer doing the rainforest one.... dunno why, I just like natural lighting.. lol.. the offer is pretty good I think... something I'd never expect myself thinking of doing...

Just not being of a professional frame of mind, I just found it a little bit amazing that I'd even be considered... this just isnt what I would seek out... maybe i spend too much time chasing birds and critters.. not enough time chasing White pointers :roll: :roll:

Thanks again for the comments.. I'll let you all know what happens

p.s. I got a copy of the article from Leek, recommends having a female assistant as backup to support the model and help as a lookout and such... I really dont want to see Dug in a dress.. :shock:
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Postby Geoff on Fri Jun 02, 2006 8:50 pm

Tim - some excellent advice!

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Postby Manta on Fri Jun 02, 2006 8:51 pm

Zeeke wrote:I really dont want to see Dug in a dress.. :shock:

Oops...there goes the neighbourhood!
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Postby Matt. K on Fri Jun 02, 2006 9:07 pm

It's notoriously dificult to produce good quality nudes. Most of them will look cheesy, corny or stupid. My tips are...keep it simple. Pick your backrounds very carefully because they are an important part of the image. Take a bottle of champagne or two as a 'relaxent' for all concerned. Get her to play to the camera. Use a 50mm or 80mm focal length and stay away from the wide angle lenses. Never touch the model unless you are prepared to marry her. Shoot a squillion images and allow her to be involved in the editing. Take some props..calico, hats, beach ball or something. Good Luck! Oh! And be upfront and tell her you haven't done this kind of photography before but you are prepared to learn. Use soft light!....Very important....soft light. Meet her before already mentioned....and talk about anything. Show her some of your best work. Use fill flash for some of the shots. Move around into different ideas often,

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Postby Andyt on Fri Jun 02, 2006 9:19 pm

As Matt.K said, tip: get her to change into a bath robe 30 mins before hand, by then both of you will be a lot more relaxed and you will not have to PS the the lines out where her nickers and bra were! :lol:

Got a lightshere?

Tried a custom curve?

Remember the detail in the shadows, midtones etc.

AND, remember, temperature can be an issue :oops:

Looking forward to seeing some of your "handiwork" :wink:
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Postby Jeko70 on Fri Jun 02, 2006 9:22 pm

Go and do it!

Just to let you know, playing with natural light, "natural environments" and body skin is not so easy as you will expect. So if will be possible for you, first find a good spot with good light in advance, take some pics without the model, evaluate the result and have fun!

I'd go for "Light and drastic contrast"!
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Postby phillipb on Fri Jun 02, 2006 9:29 pm

I'm surpriced that nobody from qld. has suggested to turn this into a mini meet. I dear say you may even get a few gatecrashers from south of the border. :up: :mrgreen:

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Postby Matt. K on Fri Jun 02, 2006 9:35 pm

Oh Tim! I forgot one very important point. It's bad form to get aroused. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

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Postby Geoff on Fri Jun 02, 2006 9:42 pm

Matt. K wrote:Oh Tim! I forgot one very important point. It's bad form to get aroused. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

I just got up from the ground in hysterics!!! "wow Tim, is that a camera in your pocket or...." :)

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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Postby xerubus on Fri Jun 02, 2006 9:46 pm

Geoff wrote:"wow Tim, is that a camera in your pocket or...."

..... it's my new monopod.....

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D - A camera, glass, and some light.
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Postby Zeeke on Fri Jun 02, 2006 9:50 pm

Compact version of a 70-200mm zoom

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Postby Manta on Fri Jun 02, 2006 10:01 pm

...And those who try to tell you focal length doesn't matter only have point & shoots.
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Postby RICPIC on Fri Jun 02, 2006 10:02 pm

i've found working with nudes less intimidating than i'd anticipated. i found i pretty quickly let go of my subjective judgement of the subject and got on with photography. as much as i might have admire the subject, the point of the exercise is to take a good shot and that is my overriding motivation. 'nakedness' is just another element or prop in the composition.
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Postby wendellt on Fri Jun 02, 2006 10:06 pm

you have an opportunity to do something special

from what i know bombard her with compliments keep on sayign shes absolutely stunning and beautiful

then she will open up and perform for you

squeeze the magic out of her

good luck!
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Postby Geoff on Fri Jun 02, 2006 10:08 pm

wendellt wrote:then she will open up and perform for you

Whoa - does he want this result? :)
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Postby Raskill on Fri Jun 02, 2006 10:31 pm

Interesting problem you face Tim.

One of my friends wanted some taken, of her when she was pregnant, so I did a bit of reading up on the issue.

The big thing is to be confident, in yourself and the directions you give her. Find out what she likes to call the various areas of her body, and use language she is comfortable with.

Also, the morning/day leading up to the shoot, tell her not to wear any underwear or a bra. These leave telltale red marks on the skin. Sure you can get rid of them with PP, but the less you have to do afterwards the better.

Get her to use light make-up to cover minor blemishes, again, you can get rid of these in PP, but the same applies.

Think about background, if she is fair skinned, a white background may not work as well as a black back drop, the reverse is also true.

Good luck!

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Postby Matt. K on Fri Jun 02, 2006 10:57 pm

Just one more tip Tim....and this has been mentioned in a previous thread. Ask her to bring a dressing gown into which she can change in private. Then when it's time to shoot she can drop it quickly rather than getting undressed in front of everyone and having elastic marks on her body. Give her time to walk around in the gown...about 15 minutes, before you shoot. Also...if she keeps the gown nearby it will give her a sense of security if strangers walk up etc. Also, if she can bring a girl friend to help her with poses, makeup etc....that's also a good thing. Having done a year of life drawing I can tell you after about 3 minutes you will no longer be aware that she is undraped.

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Re: Nudes

Postby Steffen on Sat Jun 03, 2006 12:02 am

Zeeke wrote:Ok, so.. Ive emailed Doug, because he's my local expert on these kind of things and he's offered to give me a hand and back me up..

I reckon you guys should have a mini-meet up there! :D

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Postby kipper on Sat Jun 03, 2006 12:08 am

Oh and if you hear a rustling in the bushes at about 500M away it'll mean I've returned from the UK to do some bird photography with my 500MM :twisted:
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Postby Dug on Sat Jun 03, 2006 12:51 am

Zeeke wrote:.. I really dont want to see Dug in a dress.. :shock:

Don't knock it Tim, I happen to have a stunning gold Lame evening gown that fits me like a dream!

I don't wear high heels though, I'm not kinky.
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Postby ghost on Sat Jun 03, 2006 2:00 am

WOW :shock: I wish I had your opportunity :!:

I have had no experience with photographing nudes.
I would love to ask my wife to pose but I know she would reject it and think I was some kind of pervert/wierdo so I never have (& never will!).

Ever since I have been into photography, alot of the best photography I have seen have been nude shots. The skin tone, lighting and mood make for a wonderful photographic experience. I just wish I had the same oppotunity as you. Go for it & enjoy.

Some of the nude material on may give you some inspiration (although there may be some crap on there you will find some great stuff)


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Postby stubbsy on Sat Jun 03, 2006 11:53 am


I have only a little to add to what's already been said:

- being naked is a natural thing - it doesn't have to be a sexual thing. This is the former not the latter. Treat it like she was wearing a skin coloured swimming costume or a body stocking.

- discuss in advance ownership of the images. Given these will be photos of a private nature I'm guessing the lady in question won't want them posted for all to leer at on your fishing site. I'd suggest you discuss getting a model release for you to use some specififed images in your portfolio.
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Postby Zeeke on Sat Jun 03, 2006 12:03 pm

Exactly how i'd try and see things.. but thanks Peter...

The person who wants the photos.. has mentioned that I'd be allowed to sell and use her photos... I wouldnt be posting them on a fishing site either...

Just alot to think about..

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Postby nito on Sat Jun 03, 2006 1:02 pm

I hate to say it, but you might wanna do some research on other nude photographer's work. Then add your style to the session.
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Postby marcotrov on Sat Jun 03, 2006 1:07 pm

Tim an terrific opportunity to expand your portfolio. If you feel a little unsure of the nudity of your client you could always go out in sympathy and do the shoot nude yourself. :wink: :) Though I would think anyone observing the shoot from behind you would get pretty much a 'bummer' of a view :lol:
Go out and enjoy the opportunity Tim and get some terrific images:)

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Postby xorl on Sat Jun 03, 2006 2:09 pm

I'd recommend planning as much of the shoot beforehand as possible. Have a number of poses and lighting plans worked out in advance. This way you will feel more confident about getting results from the start and won't have to worry about making it all up on the spot. Once you get going the session should end up being more free form and fun, but at least you will have something to fall back on.

Similarly, you will want to get as much of the camera settings worked out up front as possible. Once you get started it's important to keep interacting with the model and directing instead of ignoring them and playing with the camera.

Good luck!
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Postby RICPIC on Sat Jun 03, 2006 3:03 pm

rarely does a post on here attract so much eager response; 3 pages in less than 24 hours! :D :) :shock: :lol: 8) :wink: :P
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