Yes you can : Have a look
HERE This is my SmugMug Newcastle & The Hunter main gallery. It is a sub gallery of my places gallery (click Places at the top of the screen to go up one level) and it in turn has galleries underneath it.
This was created as follows:
- Go to SmugMug control panel (at the top of your main SmugMug screen)
- Scroll down to see Organise & Customise
- Click Category
- From there add a new Category called Places then click Submit
- Once done, go back to the Organise & Customise and this time choose SubCategories
-Choose the Places category in Add Subcategory then Type Newcastle & The Hunter as the sub category name
- Click submit
OK if I want a gallery inside the Newcastle & The Hunter sub Gallery I create the new gallery and specify a category of Places and a sub category of Newcastle & The Hunter in the gallery Customise screen.
Hopefully that makes sense.