EOI: NSW South Coast - Nat Parks Depot Beach 10&11 March

Let's generate some ideas for places to meet and things to shoot.

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EOI: NSW South Coast - Nat Parks Depot Beach 10&11 March

Postby Oscar on Sun Jan 21, 2007 6:44 pm

Looking to see if there's any interest in getting a group together on the South Coast of NSW. A possible location for a base could be the NPWS Depot Beach Camp Ground and Cabins. AND NOW THERE IS BITUMEN ALL THE WAY TO THE CAMPGROUND - NO DIRT ROAD!!

This is in Murramarang National Park, South Coast NSW just north of Batemans Bay (about 3.5hrs from southern Sydney suburbs. The parks have native birds and wildlife, beaches and rockpools as well as bush walk/hiking options.

The other nearby beach camps are Pebbly Beach and Pretty Beach.

Camping is available at $5 per person per night plus vehicle entry fee ($7 or annual pass).

There are also cabins at both Depot (5 person cabin at $85/night or 6 person at $100/night) and Pretty Beach (4 person cabin at $85/night) camp grounds.

Would anyone be interested?
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Postby colin_12 on Sun Jan 21, 2007 7:58 pm

I would be interested Mick. So long as the boss can do with out me. :)
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Postby owen on Wed Jan 24, 2007 7:45 pm

Sounds interesting. Let me know what dates you're thinking of and I'll check my schedule.
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Postby sheepie on Wed Jan 24, 2007 8:06 pm

So much to do... so little time :(

Pity, will have to take a raincheck on going south - maybe later in the year :)
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Postby moz on Wed Jan 24, 2007 8:22 pm

I love that place :) I will have to see if I can get down there.


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Postby Oscar on Wed Jan 24, 2007 8:43 pm

The dates as I suggested are 10 & 11 March. However, I am happy to have further input as to alternative dates.

We love going down coast to get away from it all - a photo meet would be a bonus. I thought this area would be accessable for those on the south coast as well as Canberrans and Sydneyites :lol:

Yeah Moz, there are resident possums at all of those parks. Thanks for posting the shot and hope you can make it if we can get this going - hey I'll be going anyway - Colin is interested and maybe Owen - so it's getting there.

Cheers, Mick :) :) :)
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Postby moz on Thu Jan 25, 2007 6:26 pm

That's actually a glider, but yeah, possums, 'roos, you name it. I wonder if the ospreys are still nesting in the campground?

I'll be in, especially if I can get a lift to and from Sydney (in return for petrol money) as the bus is a bit hard core. Have to see if the Sydneysiders can be persuaded. Anyone?
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Postby owen on Thu Jan 25, 2007 7:51 pm

Can I offer a suggestion of the weekend before? My wife is going away and I should be able to be free all weekend. Of course if this is inconvenient for others then don't worry about it.
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Postby moz on Thu Jan 25, 2007 8:36 pm

Oh, and my most stolen image was taken at depot beach...
(click for bigger)

And this one sums up chasing little furry animals at night...

All taken with a 300D, 550EX and Sigma 70-300 f4.5-5.6. So a pretty cheap combo to get started with.
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Postby Killakoala on Thu Jan 25, 2007 8:44 pm

Count me in, so long as i have no interstate work commitments that weekend. Will know closer to the date.

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Postby daniel_r on Thu Jan 25, 2007 10:14 pm


I'm unsure at this stage of work commitments and so on, but I'm interested in probably heading over for the weekend, and seeing if I can drag any other Canberra members over as well.

I'll let you know when I'm more certain (sorry for the iffyness), so put me down as a maybe at this stage.
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Postby Oscar on Fri Feb 09, 2007 7:54 pm


I will be heading off to the south coast starting next weekend on a fairly regular basis.

Let me know how this date suits - I can go whenever it suits. If only a few people can make it that is OK - we can confirm a date and I will head on down.

To date we possibly have:


Hopefully we can all make it together on the same date or maybe have a couple of smaller weekends.

Cheers, Mick :) :) :)
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Postby Oscar on Mon Feb 26, 2007 7:13 pm

Bump again. Anyone still interested?

Sorry I've been busy lately plus have just had a week off.

Donna and I just got back from a weeks holiday on the south coast and we will still be heading down for weekends - Depot and Pretty Beach are our preferred locations.

If we are going to get a few people going it may be a good idea to try and reserve an area for our group.

Cheers, Mick :) :) :)
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Postby moz on Mon Feb 26, 2007 7:32 pm

I'm still keen if I can get a lift down and back from Sydney. Thanks for the reminder!
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Postby michael_ on Mon Feb 26, 2007 7:37 pm

hmm interested indeed
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Postby Oscar on Sat Mar 03, 2007 1:18 pm


I will be heading down to Depot Beach next week-end. Let me know if you are coming and I can try to reserve a site for you.

My plan is (as per usual) to arrive on Friday night and spend all day Saturday and just the morning on Sunday in the area before travelling home.

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Postby daniel_r on Thu Mar 08, 2007 9:05 pm


Doesn't look like I'll be able to make it there for the Saturday, but I'll be heading through Batemans / Murra on Sunday morning the way to Jervis Bay. I reckon I'll be over that way about 9am, don't need to be anywhere in a hurry.

Interested in a cuppa and wander around for a bit of a shoot?
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Postby Oscar on Thu Mar 08, 2007 9:46 pm


We are just finishing off packing the van (and as usual a few other things keep happening).

We plan on camping at Depot Beach for the weekend and will need to leave by midday - so yeah come on in and say g'day. I'll make sure we are at the van at 9:00. We can have a cuppa and go for a wander to get some shots - sounds good.

And anyone else down that way is still welcome to come and visit. Lets hope the weather isn't too bad (#$%&#ing down here in Sydney at the moment).

I'll be the old guy with the VW Camper - it's silver but may not be too clean depending on where we take her.

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Postby Oscar on Sun Mar 11, 2007 9:26 pm

It was another couple of days in paradise - down on the NSW South Coast. Perfect weather and perfect location.

Found a few more lovely places to visit whilst out and about on Saturday. And even got a few shots off. Also found a few more interesting photographic subjects - just have to time it better to get the right shots (yeah, I need to get up earlier on the weekends too).

It was good to catch up with Daniel_r, show him around one of my favourite places and ask him a few questions about some of the shots he has taken (which I admired).

All in all I had a wonderful weekend - so if you are down that way and see my silver campervan come on over for a visit too.

Cheers, Mick :) :) :)
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