Here is a photo of my 2.5yr old NephewModerators: Greg B, Nnnnsic, Geoff, Glen, gstark, Moderators
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Here is a photo of my 2.5yr old NephewSlowly going through my photos and came across this one of my nephew. Although I've got about 90 photos from that day at the beach I think this is one of the best. Did a bit of PP work with it. Not sure if I went overboard with the warming filter. Let me know what you think.
<img src="">
I don't think you went overboard with warming!
I actually like the warmth of the pic, goes nicely with the smile ![]() The adjusted version is a little cold for my liking! *** When getting there is half the fun! ***
Yeah, I like to see warmer skin tones myself sheepie. I wouldn't mind getting those white balance cards/filters that Birddog showed on here once. Does anybody remember the URL to the website? There were two of them. One for normal shooting and one for warming of flesh tones. Think the website showed a before and after of a young blonde girl and it went from whitish/blues to nice warm skin colors in the after shot.
Yep, the warming filter pic is nice. If you find that the 85 is too much, the 81 is more subtle. You grab a shot like this and think "oh yeah, that was a keeper" there's no better feeling. This is a definite keeper. I think you should blow it up huge.
I like to add warming filters as it seems to give greens more tone overall depth to the right pics. When I want a cold look sometimes I check the blue out, but it rarely gives the effect I like. The warming filter usually works nicely (when used judiciously). I like the original warmed pic best. The kids expression is priceless. great candid pic all round. Well done. Steve.
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My vote goes to the warmer version too kipper. Great photo - just looking at it gives you a good feeling, very well captured.
Greg - - - - D200 etc
Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see. - Arthur Schopenhauer
Dunno about well captured. It was the case of putting the D70 to continuous and letting my nephew have the time of his life. I was lucky to have such a great subject because he's such a happy boy. He's always laughing so it wasn't a case of capturing him on his good side.
kipper, if you weren't there with your camera and the ability to operate it effectively, there would be no photo. A good subject is only part of the story
![]() Greg - - - - D200 etc
Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see. - Arthur Schopenhauer
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