boredomModerators: Greg B, Nnnnsic, Geoff, Glen, gstark, Moderators
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Re: boredomThis is a great capture actually and it looks like it was staged with lights or something.
Blog: http://grevgrev.blogspot.com
Deviantart: http://grebbin.deviantart.com Nikon: D700 / D70 / AiS 28mm f2 / AiS 35mm f1.4 / AiS 50mm f1.2 / AiS 180mm f2.8 ED / AFD 85mm f1.4 / Sigma 50mm f1.4 / Sigma 24-70 f2.8 macro / Mamiya 80mm f1.9 x2 /Mamiya 120mm f4 macro
Re: boredomDoes anyone who views this think that the flash here illuminated too much? I just wanted it on the boy, but since I was right up against a wall, the bounce hit his family as well. Does that help to isolate the family, or should i have isolated the boy?
Re: boredomHello Hamster,
This is such a funny shot...and a typical kinda scenario I would imagine. I think the flash isn't overdone and that you have isolated the family/child on the left well. I think the expression on the mother's face looking down on the little girl on camera right is hilarious!! Well done! Geoff
Special Moments Photography Nikon D700, 50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.4, 70-200 2.8VR, SB800 & some simple studio stuff.
Re: boredomFlash is just enough and the timing is just excellent!
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