gstark wrote:Actually, there's a couple of E6 kits that let you do the whole lot in normal light.
Surely not the whole lot or you'd be exposing the film to light which wouldn't be very good, would it?
gstark wrote:I seem to recall that we're talking 5 steps for C41, and 7 steps for E6.
One of the benefits to living in a house rather than an apartment (hey Trevor) is I was able to find all my old documentation.
KODAK FLEXICOLOR Processing Kit for Process C-41
1. Developer, 3.5 minutes, 37.8ºC +/- 0.15, Agitage for 30 seconds then 2 seconds out of every 15, total darkness
2. Bleach, 6.5 minutes, 24 to 40.5ºC, Agitate for 30 seconds then 5 seconds out of every 30. total darkness
==== remaining steps can be done in normal room light ====
3. Wash, 3.25 minutes, 24 to 40.5ºC (Running water)
4. Fixer, 6.5 minutes, 24 to 40.5ºC, Agitate for 30 seconds then 5 seconds out of every 30.
5. Wash, 3.25 minutes, 24 to 40.5ºC (Running water)
6. Stabilizer, 1.5 minutes, 24 to 40.5ºC, Agitate for 30 seconds
7. Dry, 10 to 20 minutes, 24 to 43.5ºC
KODAK EKTACHROME Processing Kit for Process E-6
1. First Developer, 6.25 minutes, 38ºC +/- 0.3, Manual agitation, total darkness
2. First Wash, 2 minutes, 33 to 39ºC, total darkness
3. Reversal Bath, 2 minutes, 33 to 39ºC, total darkness
==== remaining steps can be done in normal room light ====
4. Color Developer, 6 minutes, 38ºC +/- 0.6
5. Conditioner, 2 minutes, 33 to 39ºC
6. Bleach, 6 minutes, 33 to 39ºC
7. Fixer, 4 minutes, 33 to 39ºC
8. Final Wash, 4 minutes, 33 to 39ºC
9. Stabilizer, 0.5 minutes, 33 to 39ºC
10. Dry, Ambient temperature