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Pregnant photoshootModerators: Greg B, Nnnnsic, Geoff, Glen, gstark, Moderators
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Pregnant photoshootMy wife's pregnant friend asked me to take some maternity photos of her. She is 5 month in. This will be an on-going project as she wants to document her progress. Next time she wants some nudity to show off her belly a bit more. Would be interested in comments and critique.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Thanks for looking, Alex
Re: Pregnant photoshootthe 3rd one is my favorite but i do think pregnant pics need bare skin !
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Re: Pregnant photoshoot
I agree on both counts. Number 3 is very good. Frank My photo gallery: http://www.frankalvaro.net
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Re: Pregnant photoshootagree with the others you need some belly showing.
i like the negative space you're using though. the composition of #1 is particularly interesting to me. imho, her pose in the first two seems quite awkward. it looks to me like shes arching her back to put more emphasis on the belly. EM1 l 7.5 l 12-40 l 14 l 17 l 25 l 45 l 60 l 75 l AW1 l V3
Re: Pregnant photoshootFor me, the first two are spoiled by the shorts that she's wearing. The lines that are introduced into the image by where the clothes end - on her legs - are very untidy and distracting.
The third image shows us just how lovely this lady is: her face is beautiful, very photogenic, and you have nailed the light for her face in this image. As noted in other posts, this image would benefit from some bare skin. Work from this image as your starting point. g.
Gary Stark Nikon, Canon, Bronica .... stuff The people who want English to be the official language of the United States are uncomfortable with their leaders being fluent in it - US Pres. Bartlet
Re: Pregnant photoshootThank you for the feedback, Gary and Rooz for the feedback. I agree with your comments. This work is to be continued and I will be sure to post the next lot for critique.
Cheers Alex
Re: Pregnant photoshootI think the third one is the best, although try to remove the little flare on the right of the subject. The one with the green background is interesting, but it would be better if the silhouette is sharp and the background wall is not.
Re: Pregnant photoshootThanks, Zafra. Not sure what you mean by the flare as I can't see it on my monitor, but thanks for the tip about the background.
Cheers Alex
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