Got a thin skin? Then look elsewhere. Post a link to an image that you've made, and invite others to offer their critiques. Honesty is encouraged, but please be positive in your constructive criticism. Flaming and just plain nastiness will not be tolerated. Please note that this is not an area for you to showcase your images, nor is this a place for you to show-off where you have been. This is an area for you to post images so that you may share with us a technique that you have mastered, or are trying to master. Typically, no more than about four images should be posted in any one post or thread, and the maximum size of any side of any image should not exceed 950 px.
Moderators: Greg B, Nnnnsic, Geoff, Glen, gstark, Moderators
Forum rules
Please note that image critiquing is a matter of give and take: if you post images for critique, and you then expect to receive criticism, then it is also reasonable, fair and appropriate that, in return, you post your critique of the images of other members here as a matter of courtesy. So please do offer your critique of the images of others; your opinion is important, and will help everyone here enjoy their visit to far greater extent.
Also please note that, unless you state something to the contrary, other members might attempt to repost your image with their own post processing applied. We see this as an acceptable form of critique, but should you prefer that others not modify your work, this is perfectly ok, and you should state this, either within your post, or within your signature.
Images posted here should conform with the general forum guidelines. Image sizes should not exceed 950 pixels along the largest side (height or width) and typically no more than four images per post or thread.
Please also ensure that you have a meaningful location included in your profile. Please refer to the FAQ for details of what "meaningful" is.
by Zacky on Mon Jul 20, 2009 8:44 pm
I think my cousin would be disappointed if I didn't post some shots! So Starky these are for you! My equipment, a half broken, and very dirty as you can see Canon 30D, with a 50mm 1.8.    This last shot, I had the ringflash on the side, with a moon unit, so basically it was used as a softbox. .jpg) Hope you enjoy! I did very little PP, mostly just a little saturation, black level and exposure. I think I should start posting more. Thanks in advance.
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by Glen on Mon Jul 20, 2009 8:49 pm
Welcome Zacky, very effective use of the ringflash in these images. Tactical Torches - Tactical Flashlights Police torch rechargeable torch military torch police military HID surefire flashlight LED torch tactical torch rechargeable wolf eyes flashlight surefire torch wolf eyes tactical torchpolice torchThank You

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by Zacky on Mon Jul 20, 2009 8:53 pm
Glen wrote:Welcome Zacky, very effective use of the ringflash in these images.
Thanks! These were just a test, it seems the conversion from raw to JPG has lifted the brightness quite a bit, but ohh well. Thanks for the compliments!
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by gstark on Mon Jul 20, 2009 8:59 pm
Zacky wrote:I think my cousin would be disappointed if I didn't post some shots! So Starky these are for you!
How could I possibly be disappointed in my family? I like all of these, but for me, #s 2 and 4 are particular standouts. You're doing well with the lighting here, and that, after all, is what it's all about.
g. Gary Stark Nikon, Canon, Bronica .... stuff The people who want English to be the official language of the United States are uncomfortable with their leaders being fluent in it - US Pres. Bartlet

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by Zacky on Mon Jul 20, 2009 9:10 pm
gstark wrote:Zacky wrote:I think my cousin would be disappointed if I didn't post some shots! So Starky these are for you!
How could I possibly be disappointed in my family? I like all of these, but for me, #s 2 and 4 are particular standouts. You're doing well with the lighting here, and that, after all, is what it's all about.
Never had 1 lesson! haha Btw i finally got my 5dmk2! The difference is night and day! Keep an eye out soon, I am getting a lot of fashion work published...
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by Photopotamus on Mon Jul 20, 2009 10:11 pm
Zacky, Number #4 is quite good! On a different note, I hear the moderator is a bit of a curmudgeon about not having your "location" set in your profile.... I'd hate to see you get your knuckles rapped! Keep up the posts! 
Canon 450D/ 18-55 IS "Kit Lens" / 55-250 IS "Kit Lens 2" / 17-85 EF-S / Nifty 50 II
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by aim54x on Mon Jul 20, 2009 11:03 pm
Very nice images! Love #4!!
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by jammy2 on Mon Jul 20, 2009 11:14 pm
Very effective use of the ringflash, the pose in #4 works best for me and the highlights in the eyes for #1 looks surreal. Not sure if the background in #3 is supposed to show towards the left, could possibly clone it out
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