Native Bee on Flower

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Native Bee on Flower

Postby Bob G on Tue Jul 21, 2009 7:16 pm

This one taken at Cooroy Botanical Gardens on Sunday.

Comments welcome

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Re: Native Bee on Flower

Postby chrisk on Tue Jul 21, 2009 7:59 pm

i think its a hoverfly.
nice sharp image with great colour. although the amount of "stuff" in the frame can be a little distracting imo.
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Re: Native Bee on Flower

Postby Bob G on Tue Jul 21, 2009 10:13 pm

Rooz wrote:i think its a hoverfly.
nice sharp image with great colour. although the amount of "stuff" in the frame can be a little distracting imo.

I seem to be getting the feedback elsewhere as well about it being a Hoverfly - My error.
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Re: Native Bee on Flower

Postby colin_12 on Tue Jul 21, 2009 11:19 pm

I like how crisp the reflection is on the thorax Bob. Nice
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Re: Native Bee on Flower

Postby ATJ on Wed Jul 22, 2009 8:11 am

Another nice sharp hover fly, Bob.

Composition-wise, I'd like to see the flower and the fly moved to the left side of the frame with more space behind the fly (so it has an escape path). This would also help with the distracting elements behind the flower.
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Re: Native Bee on Flower

Postby Killakoala on Wed Jul 22, 2009 6:23 pm

Just lovely. A good Australian bee, not one of those fake imported models. Fantastic image.
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Re: Native Bee on Flower

Postby zafra52 on Wed Jul 22, 2009 8:44 pm

I like the colour and sharpness of the image.
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Re: Native Bee on Flower

Postby ian.bertram on Wed Jul 22, 2009 11:45 pm

All of the above. the bee, hoverfly or whatever has great sharpness and looks terrific. Was it possible to shoot from 15 degrees or so to the right. That would have eliminated the bright foliage and focused the image even more. But boy I'm being picky. if I took this I'd have it framed all over the house.
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Re: Native Bee on Flower

Postby DebT on Thu Jul 23, 2009 3:21 pm

Lovely shot,
do these little guys sit still for long and let you get close or is that a challenge in itself

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Re: Native Bee on Flower

Postby Bob G on Thu Jul 23, 2009 7:17 pm

DebT wrote:Lovely shot,
do these little guys sit still for long and let you get close or is that a challenge in itself


I had a choice between this hoverfly and a few bees buzzing about. The hoverfly was the easier target as it was a bit more stationary.
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Re: Native Bee on Flower

Postby Murray Foote on Fri Jul 24, 2009 2:24 pm

You've nailed the focus very well.

Compositionally I quite like it as it is. I think it would help if you could hold back the bright parts in the background a bit - but you probably don't have much leeway because I think the boundaries around the white patch on the right would tend to posterise fairly easily.

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