5 seconds f57 iso250 36mm closeup tube 105 macro

....... I will leave a trail of crumbs

cheese crackerModerators: Greg B, Nnnnsic, Geoff, Glen, gstark, Moderators
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cheese crackertesting my macro setup before I head out into the woods........
5 seconds f57 iso250 36mm closeup tube 105 macro ![]() ....... I will leave a trail of crumbs ![]() Cheers ....bp....
Difference between a good street photographer and a great street photographer.... Removing objects that do not belong... happy for the comments, but .....Please DO NOT edit my image..... http://bigpix.smugmug.com Forever changing
Re: cheese crackerLooks good to me!
Now can I suggest pebbles be left in place of crumbs? Cameron
Nikon F/Nikon 1 | Hasselblad V/XPAN| Leica M/LTM |Sony α/FE/E/Maxxum/M42 Wishlist Nikkor 24/85 f/1.4| Fuji Natura Black Scout-Images | Flickr | 365Project
Re: cheese cracker
...... If not home in 24 hours, please leave food parcles and lots of wine....... ![]() Cheers ....bp....
Difference between a good street photographer and a great street photographer.... Removing objects that do not belong... happy for the comments, but .....Please DO NOT edit my image..... http://bigpix.smugmug.com Forever changing
Re: cheese crackerThat’s not Coon Bernie
![]() Chris
-------------------------------- I started my life with nothing and I’ve still got most of it left
Re: cheese crackerAs a macro it's interesting to see all the salt on the cracker
![]() Steve.
|D700| D2H | F5 | 70-200VR | 85 1.4 | 50 1.4 | 28-70 | 10.5 | 12-24 | SB800 | Website-> http://www.stevekilburn.com Leeds United for promotion in 2014 - Hurrah!!!
Re: cheese crackerNow I have the munchies,.............where are those crackers?
![]() I like the depth for your setup Bernie. Regards Colin
Cameras, lenses and a lust for life
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