
opera house- need helpModerators: Greg B, Nnnnsic, Geoff, Glen, gstark, Moderators
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opera house- need helpok so i snagged a few night shots whilst in sydney the other day but cant find anywhere how i go about levelling the horizon lines of the image up. it is really bothering me. thanks
matt ![]()
Re: opera house- need helpMatt
In photoshop CS@2 you can use the measure tool to draw a line on the horizon, then go image > rotate > arbitary. The dialoge box comes up with a figure just press ok and you have a level opera house. In CaptureNX2 there is a line tool which does the rotation as soon as you draw the line. hth Craig
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Re: opera house- need helpNice shot, straightening it out will help, I only use the tool in Capture NX2 but there is a similar tool in the 'develop' panel of Lightroom. Hope this helps
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Re: opera house- need helpI've put a book under my monitor and the image looks fine!
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Regards
Matt. K
Re: opera house- need help...or you could use Gimp and do exactly the same thing (and it wouldn't cost you a cent). ong live open source.
Re: opera house- need helpCamera Raw 5.0 and up in CS4 has a straighten tool. You grab the tool and drag it across a line that you think should be straight and it does the rest. Really, really simple but really effective.
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