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Also please note that, unless you state something to the contrary, other members might attempt to repost your image with their own post processing applied. We see this as an acceptable form of critique, but should you prefer that others not modify your work, this is perfectly ok, and you should state this, either within your post, or within your signature.
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by norwest on Tue Jul 28, 2009 4:34 pm
As posted in the travel thread, we arrived home yesterday from an 8 day outback run. A photographers paradise in my book, limited only by time, weather and imagination. A few shots from those edited thus far. 19th century monument in Louth  Darling River just before dusk at Horse & Carriage camp area, 50K north of Wilcannia  Was out of bed an hour before sunrise to catch a sunrise over Lake Mungo, but it was heavily clouded so I returned to the camp area.  While boiling the billy the clouds cleared enough to put on a show, so I grabbed to gear & managed to get a few shots over the campground before it beat me again.  The overcast weather while at Mungo meant opportunity wasn't great, but the sun managed to cooperate intermittently 
Last edited by norwest on Fri Jul 31, 2009 11:57 am, edited 5 times in total.
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by Big Red on Tue Jul 28, 2009 6:43 pm
great shots ... a bad day in the outback is still better than a good day at work 

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by surenj on Wed Jul 29, 2009 12:33 am
My fav is the last one with fore ground and background interest with warm colors and lines...
The second could be improved with a little more shadow detail and perhaps an IR conversion or BW
The third has great colours but the foreground and middle ground needs to be stronger..

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by norwest on Wed Jul 29, 2009 11:32 am
surenj wrote:My fav is the last one with fore ground and background interest with warm colors and lines...
The second could be improved with a little more shadow detail and perhaps an IR conversion or BW
The third has great colours but the foreground and middle ground needs to be stronger..
Thanks for the comments, surenj. I adjusted the third shot a little. The shot below is a variation of the second taken 10 mins later with a longer exposure. 
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by biggerry on Wed Jul 29, 2009 2:49 pm
first and last images would be my picks, the first image has quite a nice composition, I think a HDR image here would really sing, especially with that sun placement! (even with a single raw file you can get quite a decent HDR out)
The last image looks like there is some nice tones and colour, however a pano style shot to encompass more of the landscape might have helped, I find myself wanting to know whats on both sides of the frame!

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by norwest on Fri Jul 31, 2009 11:36 am
biggerry wrote:first and last images would be my picks, the first image has quite a nice composition, I think a HDR image here would really sing, especially with that sun placement! (even with a single raw file you can get quite a decent HDR out)
The last image looks like there is some nice tones and colour, however a pano style shot to encompass more of the landscape might have helped, I find myself wanting to know whats on both sides of the frame!
Thanks Gerry. Not a pano, but a wider shot and different composition.  Another wide shot with the Lake plains in the background.  Looking back to the 'Wall" on the horizon while returning back to the campground. Spotted the colour in the rear view mirror and as it was about to disappear quickly I didn't have time to set up, so I had to shoot hand held @ ISO400 1/12th sec @ F16. Without IS i would have lost it, though still surprised it handled it so well. 
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