iPhone as a light sourceModerators: Greg B, Nnnnsic, Geoff, Glen, gstark, Moderators
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iPhone as a light sourceI attended a very enjoyable concert last night with Leigh... We jointly discovered how effective an iPhone could be to enhance lighting. 1/13s @ f1.4 @ ISO 3200
![]() Cheers, John
Leek@Flickr | Leek@RedBubble | Leek@DeviantArt D700; D200; Tokina 12-24; Nikkor 50mm f1.4,18-70mm,85mm f1.8, 105mm,80-400VR, SB-800s; G1227LVL; RRS BH-55; Feisol 1401
Re: iPhone as a light sourceAn interesting effect but it makes him look tired.
Regards Colin
Cameras, lenses and a lust for life
Re: iPhone as a light source
Gary Stark Nikon, Canon, Bronica .... stuff The people who want English to be the official language of the United States are uncomfortable with their leaders being fluent in it - US Pres. Bartlet
Re: iPhone as a light sourceInteresting indeed..his finger looks like ET's though
![]() Did u have the 'light' app on at the time Leigh? Geoff
Special Moments Photography Nikon D700, 50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.4, 70-200 2.8VR, SB800 & some simple studio stuff.
Re: iPhone as a light sourceHe does look tired.
Have you looked at the Catchlight app? It's not bad (although its presets are not accurate in terms of °K, that doesn't really matter). I have it on my iPhone and use it every now and then.
Re: iPhone as a light sourceOne of the best portraits of Leigh I've seen! (and there's been a few over the years!)
It sums his approach to life up nicely - must have gadgets on hand at every occassion ![]() *** When getting there is half the fun! ***
Re: iPhone as a light sourceWhat a compelling portrait indeed!
Iphone fill light!!! David Hobby will be so proud!
Re: iPhone as a light sourceI was exhausted. I've had a really awkward (semi-bad) weekend, but the place we were at last night was certainly one of the highlights.
The nudity helped. Interestingly, the light source came from the Twitter app I was using to tweet that. Producer & Editor @ GadgetGuy.com.au
Contributor for fine magazines such as PC Authority and Popular Science.
Re: iPhone as a light sourceBloody rippa of a portrait, the downlighting, the iphone fill (like Surenj I was thinking DH), the intense look in Leigh's eyes.
Fantastic stuff. My only niggle is, I'd burn the seat to the right of Leigh (as we look at him) as its a bit bright and draws the eye away from Leigh.
Re: iPhone as a light sourceIt is a good portrait of leigh,
[quote="Geoff"]..his finger looks like ET's though ![]() I think Geoff has something here.....could explain the gadget obsession ![]() Regards Colin
Cameras, lenses and a lust for life
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