Photographic Fantasies?

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Photographic Fantasies?

Postby photomarcs on Wed Jan 13, 2010 10:18 pm

Hi all!

Long time since I've posted here, so i thought i'd send out a post/survey.

but my question is,

what is the one thing that you wish you had that they'd never ever put into a DSLR?

any answer is a good answer here, my personal answer would be space invaders, imagine playing that game to get rid of dust on your sensor =D

i shall await your replies.
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Re: Photographic Fantasies?

Postby wendellt on Wed Jan 13, 2010 10:40 pm

Great thread, ill start of by giving you a technical response if I understand the question properly

I wish pro camera's like the D3 had a computer inside and wi fi so when you take a picture it could communicate with the google database and automatically caption images, for red carpet I dislike captioning celebs especially b grade ones who really aren't that famous but you have to photograph.
Also the wi fi could function as a ftp so you can upload images to a server as soon as they are shot

I wish the d3 had 3 or 4 preset buttons close to the shutter dial to save custom shutter and aperture settings
1 for flash one for midday sun shooting and one for overcast. Consumer cameras have this function.

I want a all in one dslr which defeats the purpose of 'slr' but I want a d3 with one lens with a focal length of 14 to 200mm f1.4

A holographic display would be nice too

And a inbuilt tv tuner

Also eyebal laser tracking focus point selection in the viewfinder would be optimal

Large format megapixels

Instant shutter response and smarter track and dynamic focus

And while I'm on the subject voice command and the camera to respond to me in a sultry frence female voice
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Re: Photographic Fantasies?

Postby Bindii on Wed Jan 13, 2010 10:44 pm

wendellt wrote:Also eyebal laser tracking focus point selection in the viewfinder would be optimal

Sheesh you don't want much do ya! :P Btw Canon used to have the eye tracking in the EOS 5.. it was magic.. if you focused your eye on the subject it would auto focus to that point selection I lurved it.. no idea why they don't do it anymore.. :(

And since this is a wish list.. I think I would like my camera to vibrate.. ;)
The last thing I want to do is hurt you... but it's still on the list... ;)
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Re: Photographic Fantasies?

Postby wendellt on Wed Jan 13, 2010 10:50 pm

Hi sue
Yeah the canon had that eyetracking thing they probably stopped using it because laser may have caused eye dmage

Oh and I thought of a couple more things

Built in infra red

And several diferent light splitting filters

A perfected sensor clean

Waterprroof and dive resistant to 800 metres

Wendell proof build

Full Chrome finish

Rangefinder size

And I wish it was a nikon

I think that's about it
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Re: Photographic Fantasies?

Postby tommyg on Wed Jan 13, 2010 11:07 pm

- Full version of Photoshop!
- Automated HDR pano ability
- Variable shutter speed for single image (different sections at different speeds)
- GPS to nearest shop
- Automated notifications when photo opportunities become available with 50kms (Chica)
- Out of focus picture rebuild (similar to what you see on CSI etc)
- Ability to zoom in 1000% and retain 100% sharpness
- Topographical mapping
- Laser tracking and focussing
- 360% instant image ability
- Fold out 15" LCD display
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Re: Photographic Fantasies?

Postby biggerry on Wed Jan 13, 2010 11:18 pm

Wendell proof build

you slipped that in there nicely now didn't ya!

Well, in addition to Wendell's extensive list I would add - a camera feature that tells you its a bad photo...

I think I would like my camera to vibrate

doesn't your phone fullfill that need? :idea:
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Re: Photographic Fantasies?

Postby photomarcs on Wed Jan 13, 2010 11:30 pm

wendellt wrote:Hi sue
Yeah the canon had that eyetracking thing they probably stopped using it because laser may have caused eye dmage

Oh and I thought of a couple more things

Built in infra red

And several diferent light splitting filters

A perfected sensor clean

Waterprroof and dive resistant to 800 metres

Wendell proof build

Full Chrome finish

Rangefinder size

And I wish it was a nikon

I think that's about it

Wendell, your humor is as good as your amazing photography skills HAHAHAHA!

Here's some of mine to add to it also :

- Lockable LED touch screen
- VAC's
- Winrar app installed for compression of day by day albums
- DOF simulator ( not a preview but using a 3.5 lens to simulate 1.8)
- Girlfriend Proof
- Easy to replace hotshoe
- A Canon BG with a MB-D10 design, only allowing 3 batteries instead of 2.
- Headphone 3.5mm Jack
- Wireless HDMI
- Bluetooth
- Infrared Simulator
- A place to hold my coffee.

think that should do it. Though i did think my game idea was pretty gold. hahaha
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Re: Photographic Fantasies?

Postby Big Red on Wed Jan 13, 2010 11:43 pm

biggerry wrote:
I think I would like my camera to vibrate

doesn't your phone fullfill that need? :idea:

yeh but the redial mode is not variable :rotfl2:

As for my wishlist ...
inbuilt coffee maker :bowdown:
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Re: Photographic Fantasies?

Postby surenj on Thu Jan 14, 2010 12:04 am

gesture control (just to look cool)
camera to be built into my skull (no lens visible!)
Camera can work independently of conscious state which will help you guard the room that you sleep in.
Any wavelength able to imaged including xray, infra red etc. Also firmware upgradable to image gravitons, neutrinos etc
mind control of all functions [as a backup]
live preview in HDR :mrgreen:
Mind transfer of images to my bio computer
Biochemical storage of 42000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 megapixel images
DNA watermarking, automatic tagging, cataloging
automatic whitebalance that works :mrgreen:
Unrestricted flash sync speed - Take THAT ambient light :mrgreen:
Mind to mind transfer of images with inbuilt content protection

I would love my wireless flashes to be able to hover in midair and to adjusted by mind control for both position in 3D , power and various modifiers. The color temperature should be also variable. If these are not possible, I don't mind three tall pretty females being VALs. :mrgreen: These need to be powered with perpetual energy drive.

Also small almost invible insects that can released as a hoard to capture events in 3D by using their individual light sensors that could amalgamate using a biological computer. Imagine what would happen to home security cameras. Also privacy goes out of the window unless you install insect proof windows. :mrgreen:

Also I want Canon to remove the penguin logo from their wirelsse setup. It just looks silly. Also rear curtain sync on Canon wireless. Also a better STE2 with 2.4ghz radio capabilities. :mrgreen: Yongnuo to build a mainstream flash competitor which doesn't have rubbery buttons. :)
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Re: Photographic Fantasies?

Postby surenj on Thu Jan 14, 2010 12:13 am

photomarcs wrote:- Girlfriend Proof
wendellt wrote:Wendell proof build
wendellt wrote:sultry frence female voice

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

Also a "Homer Simpson mode" to just use at parties...
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Re: Photographic Fantasies?

Postby phillipb on Thu Jan 14, 2010 7:43 am

Nah ! forget about all this fancy technical stuff, all I need is a database of famous photographers in the camera. You just select the one you want and the photos come out just like his/her. Simple :lol:

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Re: Photographic Fantasies?

Postby photomarcs on Thu Jan 14, 2010 8:13 am

phillipb wrote:Nah ! forget about all this fancy technical stuff, all I need is a database of famous photographers in the camera. You just select the one you want and the photos come out just like his/her. Simple :lol:

Let's put my dad and Ken Rockwell together, and thus we have created a new sense of low in photography ROFL!

surenj wrote:Also a "Homer Simpson mode" to just use at parties...

So does this mean everyone will turn out yellow, fat and dressed like Homer Simpson? hahaha! very attractive Surenj :cheers:

surenj wrote:
Unrestricted flash sync speed - Take THAT ambient light :mrgreen:
 ROFL! Let's just recreate the Statue of Liberty Flashlight from Men In Black 2. :mrgreen:

Big Red wrote:
biggerry wrote:
As for my wishlist ...
inbuilt coffee maker :bowdown:

In built Coffee maker, does that also dispense scotch fingers? :agree:
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Re: Photographic Fantasies?

Postby chrisk on Thu Jan 14, 2010 8:25 am

focus bracketing
EM1 l 7.5 l 12-40 l 14 l 17 l 25 l 45 l 60 l 75 l AW1 l V3
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Re: Photographic Fantasies?

Postby aim54x on Thu Jan 14, 2010 9:02 am

A truly modular camera....(with Nikon Branding)
-interchangeable lenses (duh)
-interchangeable sensors (High MP FX/High ISO FX/DX - for crop factor......+ UV/IR + film back)
-interchangeable viewfinders (Waist Level/Eye Level/Manual Focus.....)
-interchangeable focus modules (sports/landscapes/portrait....)

for more innovative features
-GPS module
-wireless internet + FTP module
-solar charger module (has usb and 12V output so you can charge other devices)

more specific features
-unlimited flash sync speed (thanks surenj....but its already almost here - highspeed FP)
-Wendell proof build (had me laughing there Wendell....better make it indistructible)
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Re: Photographic Fantasies?

Postby Aussie Dave on Thu Jan 14, 2010 9:40 am

Hmmm....some interesting ideas here. I hope the camera manufacturers are reading these :)

Now, let's see...

Digital zoom that works as well (or better) than optical zoom.
That way, we could all use only one UWA lens (say 4mm, why be greedy hey ?), then use the sensor to crop any image and use digital zoom to obtain longer focal lengths - eg. 4mm to 800mm
No need for multiple lenses and you could potentially shoot at 4mm and then at home on the PC, choose the focal length you want to use.

A sensor and processor that can handle point 1...

Internet ability to be able to bring up instant "tech assistance", by pressing a HELP button.
Imagine shooting in a difficult environment and you're not quite sure what to do, press the HELP button and the cam sends a copy of the scene to Nikon/canon's Global Help Network and suggestions on settings are sent to your camera.
Of course, camera manufacturers would sell access to their GHN, but cams would come with a free 30 day trial :)

Internal SSD (1Tb to start with), to negate the need to use cards.
Also the option to send a backup copy to your online archive Tvia the wireless Internet connection.

Dare I suggest 3D photos - to go with our soon new 3D TV's ?

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Re: Photographic Fantasies?

Postby scoobydoo on Thu Jan 14, 2010 9:57 am

1. Have a dedicated iso button on the right side rather than the left on the nikon cameras. Kindof like the same where there's a button to switch modes A,S,P & M. Also have that button just dial to auto iso off rather than going through the menus to turn it off.

2. To be able to variably set a minimum shutter speed based on the focal length, so I could set it 1/50 when I'm using a 50mm but it would change to 1/300 automatically when I switch to a 300mm lens.
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Re: Photographic Fantasies?

Postby tommyg on Thu Jan 14, 2010 10:16 am

A new mode that will automatically take the photo that you think you can see!
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Re: Photographic Fantasies?

Postby Chaase on Thu Jan 14, 2010 4:59 pm

wendellt wrote:And while I'm on the subject voice command and the camera to respond to me in a sultry frence female voice

Great in theory but whilst it would start like that over time it would start nagging you that you out of focus, wrong lens used, why did you not charge the batteries before leaving home. :)
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Re: Photographic Fantasies?

Postby gstark on Thu Jan 14, 2010 5:03 pm

wendellt wrote:Hi sue
Yeah the canon had that eyetracking thing they probably stopped using it because laser may have caused eye dmage

No, I don't think so. The Canon system did not, to my knowledge, use laser technology.

Wendell proof build

You're wanting an old-ish Leica.

Or a Nikon F1. With digital back NDB1-05.
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Re: Photographic Fantasies?

Postby gstark on Thu Jan 14, 2010 5:10 pm

phillipb wrote:Nah ! forget about all this fancy technical stuff, all I need is a database of famous photographers in the camera. You just select the one you want and the photos come out just like his/her. Simple :lol:

Something like that actually exists in the musical world. Korg make an electronic keyboard that is designed to be a sort of replacement for the Hammond B3. It's styled like a B3 - which makes it a real bear to carry around - and has a database within it that contains the preprogrammed sounds of over a hundred gret Hammond players.

Want to sound like Winwood? No worries; just call up the Winwood sound. Jimmy Smith. Ditto.

All the greats are there, but ... and here's the rub ... you still need to know how to play the damn thing.

Sound familiar?

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Re: Photographic Fantasies?

Postby surenj on Thu Jan 14, 2010 5:11 pm

Chaase wrote:Great in theory but whilst it would start like that over time it would start nagging you that you out of focus, wrong lens used, why did you not charge the batteries before leaving home.

:rotfl2: That sort of technical nag I could almost bear with.... :idea:
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Re: Photographic Fantasies?

Postby gstark on Thu Jan 14, 2010 5:16 pm

Aussie Dave wrote:No need for multiple lenses and you could potentially shoot at 4mm and then at home on the PC, choose the focal length you want to use.

Just like Aunt Mabel, right?

Internet ability to be able to bring up instant "tech assistance", by pressing a HELP button.
Imagine shooting in a difficult environment and you're not quite sure what to do, press the HELP button

Have a look at the Guide mode on the Nikon D3000. While it's not internet connected, it's not that far from what you're suggesting.

If we went with your suggestion, we'd need to wait three weeks for a response. :)

Chaase wrote:
wendellt wrote:And while I'm on the subject voice command and the camera to respond to me in a sultry frence female voice

Great in theory but whilst it would start like that over time it would start nagging you that you out of focus, wrong lens used, why did you not charge the batteries before leaving home. :)

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Re: Photographic Fantasies?

Postby Mr Darcy on Thu Jan 14, 2010 7:00 pm

aim54x wrote:-Wendell proof build (had me laughing there Wendell....better make it indistructible)

Camera-on, I'm not sure why you would want to downgrade from Wendell proof to merely indestructible

for me, my needs are simple
1-1000mm zoom @ f0.25 (Min f100) that will fit in my pocket.
Oh and absolutely perfect image quality throughout the range.
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Re: Photographic Fantasies?

Postby photomarcs on Thu Jan 14, 2010 9:58 pm

Aussie Dave wrote:5.Dare I suggest 3D photos - to go with our soon new 3D TV's ?


hey dave ! they already make a so called 3d camera... brought out by Fuji =D

has two 10MP sensors.. here! check it out! ... _real3dw1/

fuji's compact : W1!!!
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Re: Photographic Fantasies?

Postby Wink on Thu Jan 14, 2010 10:10 pm

wendellt wrote:Also the wi fi could function as a ftp so you can upload images to a server as soon as they are shot

Doesn't that new canon wireless thingo do that?
Allows Image Editing
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Re: Photographic Fantasies?

Postby surenj on Thu Jan 14, 2010 10:22 pm

Wink wrote:Doesn't that new canon wireless thingo do that? ... lease.aspx

Wink, Wendell was having a Nikon (not Canon) fantasy.... :twisted:
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Re: Photographic Fantasies?

Postby aim54x on Fri Jan 15, 2010 12:56 am

But doesnt the WT-4 already do FTP??

AND it has the ability to plug in some Cat5 cable as well....I like that too bad they cost an arm and a leg.

What I think Wendell wanted, was all of these features built into the camera (ie not in a bremovable grip or a plug in module)
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Re: Photographic Fantasies?

Postby atachi on Fri Jan 15, 2010 1:08 am

Looks like a phantasy Pat, good work. although this is a great part of the fantasy sought after by the general public, Interesting, to think about fantasy in the context of photography, which is viewed to be more tied to external reality. I do feel fantasy in my own and in other’s photography but not in the way of a Photoshop fairy-tale kinda fantasy, and not particular a wishful fantasy.
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