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Postby zafra52 on Mon Jun 25, 2012 6:19 pm

Hopefully I am using the right forum for this question.
I am puzzeld by Australian Photography's picture entry
requiments. They want now email submissions of
30cm x 40cm and 300ppi and according to them the
resulting picture should be about 5MB in file size. I wrote
asking if there was a mistake and according to them there
is no mistake.


Now, as far as Photoshop (above) is concerned a blank canvas of
the above dimension would generage a 47.9MB + file and
checking the paper dimensions what they ask for is an
A3 size picture?

Am I wrong? Is there a way to provide a decent quality
picture with those dimensions and only 5MB?
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Re: Measurements?

Postby biggerry on Mon Jun 25, 2012 6:41 pm

thats fresh file with no compression?

try opening a picture sizing per 300ppi and 30*40 then save as jpeg at 80% quality
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Re: Measurements?

Postby sirhc55 on Mon Jun 25, 2012 7:56 pm

zafra52 you are correct in your detail but Gerry is also correct in his. What file format do they require for the entry. If a JPEG that will be the answer.
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Re: Measurements?

Postby Matt. K on Mon Jun 25, 2012 9:43 pm

What size is the jpg after you have saved it?

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Re: Measurements?

Postby DanielA on Mon Jun 25, 2012 10:25 pm

The amount of compression depends on the image contents.
I just checked a normal image and that came down to ~3MB. A worse case image of only noise I couldn't get much below 8MB.
You should be alright, but you could limit yourself to soft OOF shots...

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Re: Measurements?

Postby ATJ on Tue Jun 26, 2012 10:30 am

A few years ago Gerry organised for us to have some images printed on canvas and we displayed them. The image I had printed was of a ladybird and was 5025 x 3338 pixels. Uncompressed that is just over 50MB (5025 * 3338 * 3) as it is one byte per pixel. The file I sent to be printed was a JPEG and was only 1.7MB in size and the image looks great printed up large. I believe I used 70% quality.

I use the above dimensions for just about all the images I submit to RedBubble and the vast majority are under 5MB in size.
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Re: Measurements?

Postby zafra52 on Wed Jun 27, 2012 9:07 pm

Thank you guys. Following biggerry's suggestion, I got a photo
and increase the size to the required dimensions and resolution
and when I tried to save it in jpg format the file size came down
to between 5 and 6MB. They were right; I was wrong.

I guess my confussion was that whenever I printed for a competition
I did in tiff format, which creates a rather large anr rich files. I never
converted a raw file of those dimension to jpg.
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