ghost in the gardenModerators: Greg B, Nnnnsic, Geoff, Glen, gstark, Moderators
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ghost in the gardencomments please, i set the aperture closed,low light,long exposure, and a windy day to be able to sence to motion in the bushes, it is neely what i was after but i feel it is missing something ...
The photo's not bad, but I could have done without the endless stream of pop-up windows... Image Shack is a pain...
Cheers, John
Leek@Flickr | Leek@RedBubble | Leek@DeviantArt D700; D200; Tokina 12-24; Nikkor 50mm f1.4,18-70mm,85mm f1.8, 105mm,80-400VR, SB-800s; G1227LVL; RRS BH-55; Feisol 1401
I think that this picture needs tons more movement around the still bowl of water. It's a little in between and doesn't really create an eye popping effect. Try a longer shutter speed, or mess around in PS to accentuate more blur or something.
The grass has an almost Infra red (IR) look about it. Is it grass or moss?
I agree with Leek, Image Shack must have the most aggressive pop ups I have seen in a long time. I can recommend Pixspot (see the sticky at the top of this forum for details)
Gee Matt... and there was me thinking that I may have been a little harsh this morning... ![]() Seriously Coolbeer... ImageShack and the like are a real pain when you're on the receiving end... Pixspot is free (but it has been VERY slow recently)... The are other free image hosting solutions out there, but they all have their drawbacks (limited storage / bandwidth etc.) A small amount of money will secure you a very robust and unlimited hosting service... Cheers, John
Leek@Flickr | Leek@RedBubble | Leek@DeviantArt D700; D200; Tokina 12-24; Nikkor 50mm f1.4,18-70mm,85mm f1.8, 105mm,80-400VR, SB-800s; G1227LVL; RRS BH-55; Feisol 1401
G'day CB,
Not sure what effect you were after, the greenery does look a little "strange" in colour, not sure if it's the blur or not... What-ever it is that's in the bird-bath keeps grabbing my attention... Wonder if it might be one worth trying in B&W with some vignetting around the edges? Tried it and seems to give the pic a very different feel... Dunno what you're trying to get to though... I didn't get any pop-ups at all.. I assume the pop-up blocker in XP (Service Pack 2) blocked 'em...? Aka Andrew
sorry for the late reply . the effect i was after was the movment in the bushes and the bird bath to be sharp and clear , i hoped the pick would ba alittle more interesting or eye catching . thanks for the comments i havent had the time to try it in B&W yet .. Help - are there any good / ( cheep ) and more so easy to ues site to host the pics .. I also have some free web space with the internet pac im on but using the FPT prograns i have tried are verry NON-User friendly .. when i have veiwed the pics on image shack i didnt get any popups i have a good pop up blocker and im behind a fire wall .
SORRY FOR THE IMAGE SHACK pop ups -- andf thanks for the comments ....
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