Two from an outing todayModerators: Greg B, Nnnnsic, Geoff, Glen, gstark, Moderators
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Two from an outing todayStorm and I went for a walk/drive today. Here's 2 I just finished fiddling with:
Please feel free to comment/critique. -Rich D70, 18-70 DX, Sigma 70-300 APOII, Nikkor 50mm 1.4D, SB800, Bogen 3046 w/Manfrotto 322RC2 ballhead, Lowepro Nova 2 AW
awsome touch-ups. I love the color in both. gotta love those photo outings. Sometimes we find the shot (field), sometimes we make it (merry-go-round). These memories will last forever. BTW. here is what rich looks like eyeing up his field shots.
-sTOrM [/img]
I love the merrygoround pic, could perhaps use a crop of the top third maybe? (Could that be decisive moment?) The first one is nice but the leading lines aren't very pronounced, making the picture just a tad boring to me.
EDIT: From the third picture that Storm posted, I would like to see from the low perspective some of that tall grass in the foreground.
Hi Rich & Tom
Thanx for posting these images to show what you guys have been up to. I love the merry-go-round image, it's great. TFF (Trevor)
My History Blog: Your Brisbane: Past & Present My Photo Blog: The Foto Fanatic Nikon stuff!
yeah, without a doubt I like his better too
the foreground grass that's missing in mine makes his D70, 18-70 DX, Sigma 70-300 APOII, Nikkor 50mm 1.4D, SB800, Bogen 3046 w/Manfrotto 322RC2 ballhead, Lowepro Nova 2 AW
Awesome idea... Might have to try that one day!
New page Portfolio... Comments and money always welcome
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