The Reapers RoseModerators: Greg B, Nnnnsic, Geoff, Glen, gstark, Moderators
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The Reapers RoseJust something a liitle different from your average flower pic Mic. This one is Extracted & played with & Tweaked a bit
Thanks storm,
Coming from you that is a great compliment, you're NetMagi's friend I believe ? That great Hand Shot ? Cheers, Mic.
I think that's just another petal Shakey... Mic... what's Reepers??? Cheers, John
Leek@Flickr | Leek@RedBubble | Leek@DeviantArt D700; D200; Tokina 12-24; Nikkor 50mm f1.4,18-70mm,85mm f1.8, 105mm,80-400VR, SB-800s; G1227LVL; RRS BH-55; Feisol 1401
Im not a flower person Mic but looks ok considering, we learn to expect these lil ahh different qualities you have.LOL
Cheers John D3,D2x,D70,18-70 kit lens,Sigma 70-200mm F2.8EX HSM,Nikon AF-I 300m F2.8, TC20E 2X
80-400VR,SB800,Vosonic X Drive,VP6210 40
Thanks trebs, Yeah kinda
Thanks shakey, No, can't see any spidy web Leek, Reepers as is The Grim Reeper which is supposed to be spelt Reapers, surprised Greb B wasn't on to me for that Thanks BBJ, Thats nice. Cheers, Mic.
He delegated to me And actually it should be spelt Reaper's Cheers, John
Leek@Flickr | Leek@RedBubble | Leek@DeviantArt D700; D200; Tokina 12-24; Nikkor 50mm f1.4,18-70mm,85mm f1.8, 105mm,80-400VR, SB-800s; G1227LVL; RRS BH-55; Feisol 1401
*takes his metal ruler out*
Stand in line!!! (Fixed.) Producer & Editor @
Contributor for fine magazines such as PC Authority and Popular Science.
Mic - I believe there is a funeral association by the name of The White Ladies - maybe you could start one with your black rose and call it The Men in Black
-------------------------------- I started my life with nothing and I’ve still got most of it left
Really like this, it's something different and for some reason has a very powerful, sombre, almost evil feel to it... Maybe it's just me
Wish the spider thread wasn't mentioned, now it sticks out doh! The power of suggestion is amazing... Aka Andrew
Thanks mudder, Thats exactly what I wanted to hear, hence the name.
With a pic I just start out with something normal, with a bit of imagination which hides itself within my brain somewhere I occasionally trap it and something like this comes out. Sometimes it takes hours, this one took about 5 min, it's the quick ones that usually work the best I find red wine, green & blue pills even more interesting Thanks for seeing & feeling. Cheers, Mic.
cranial capacity of the average human rates at about 12% mic i believe you have hit the 15% mark. i like pics that use our imagination even though you invert you are using at least 1-2% more of yur cranial perception than the average joe blogs. surely there are more people on this forum who can be expressive and creative in their ow way like mic does and enlighten everyone here with their own special talents. LET GO PEOPLE BE BRAVE BE ADVENTEROUS
shoot it real.
look! and see. Shoot and feel
Gee Jethro,
I thinks I better break out the RGB Pills next Watch out Thanks. I think Mic. Where's Marcus, hasn't his miss aloud him to play
I think this is great Mic, is that evil of me??
A black almost velvet looking rose....I love it! And I agree about the water dropplets looking like tears. A very powerful image IMO. Well done......keep up with those pills!
I'll forgive you this time shakey
Gees, thanks Stormy, I'll pOp another just for you. Thanks MCWB, Life MCWB LIFE !
Hey PiP
Well, you go > Channel Mixer with Blue Channel or Green. Levels which will drop the background Then lighten a bit Crop / sharpen / size / post Some don't work well though, it all depends on the light you capture in the original image. Have a red wine & let your imagination have a play. Great stress relief too. If you have young kids that drive you nuts it's good quality time with yourself. Mic.
Except after reading through the 200 odd posts from the day, there is no time left to play!!
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